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Reading the forum and the comments re Roberts interview in Speedway Star. I am not giving my opinion on it. However some facts my help you. I have done an approx. costing for a rider doing one UK league. Naturally a rider doubling up, some costs would increase or decrease or not exist. These figures are from my experience for an annual cost to a rider. 2 bikes/engines @ £8000 each = £16000 spread over 2 years = £8000 Spares £4000 (surprising how many spares needed in a season and that’s without a blown engine cost) Other equipment - helmet/goggles/tools £1000 Oils/Lubricants/bike cleaning materials etc. £500 Van hire 8 months £2400 Mechanic £4500 Flights 50% of cost £3000 Airport travel costs £500 Budgeting travel Rain off expenses ( no income ) £1000 Fuel van £800 Engine servicing £3000 Insurance van £800 ( many mechanics under 25 ) Injury Insurance rider £400 Sundry misc. expenses £1000 (always unexpected costs) Total £30900 These are the costs, looking back through them it would be easy to increase some. But this gives a ball park figure. Naturally some costs are off set by sponsors supplying their goods which a rider uses. But it is still a cost and a rider needs equipment sponsors as well as cash sponsors. From this total cost, now you can can calculate how much a rider needs to earn per point or plus get sponsor deals to make it all pay. Certain some of you will argue these figures. That’s your opinion, but as for 5 years I’ve being paying invoices I know these figures are a good ball park figure. I am just giving factual figures - this is not my opinion of what’s right or wrong. I will leave it to you to do your own calculations and come up with what ever view you wish.3 points
Where have I said he’s on the same planet as Leigh, all I’ve said is he rides the Abbey as well as Leigh. I’ve been lucky to see Leigh ride at Swindon for all of his career & he is the master of the Abbey, Morris is fast becoming a master in his own right......oh, I watched Darcy & he wasn’t bad.2 points
That's me and Willie booked into the Holiday Inn , we love visiting Peterborough . The countdown commences .2 points
I should imagine every Polish Extraleague club has looked at Morris. No takers. It’s the Championship. Kurtz rides Extraleague in 2018. Is Morris even riding Polish league 1? I have nothing against Morris but I doubt he will go any further than the level he is at right now. Perhaps a Schlein level, not quite a Davey Watt.2 points
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.....and a Wolverhampton heat leader (and reigning Australian champion) and a Belle Vue heat leader....but they don’t ride for Poole so they don’t get criticised do they!!!!!2 points
I like this character of yours better DropaCog/FredFlange/Wibble/FledFlange. Still got the same issue with repeating the same phrases every other post, but this less intelligent, abusive alter-ego is a refreshing change.2 points
How strange that a “new” poster makes these comments. It leads one to think he is someone in disguise. But regardless of that, there’s a thread in the international speedway section for the Aussie championships. It is an individual comp so very little to do with cluttering up the Poole threads. If you are a Belle Vue fan go celebrate Tungates win over there and leave this part so we can discuss just how good the 2018 Pirates team is shaping up.2 points
Congratulations to Tungate and Fricke, first and third in the Australian Championship.2 points
I think the Robert Lambert knocking has been done enough now. It's time to move on and look forward to the start of the season. And to the announcement of the final 4 riders.2 points
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Isn't the solution to the disparity of wealth not a GB Super League but a Euro League (or in reality the richer teams joining the Polish League) I think the reality is the even the Polish and Swedish "Elite" leagues are not without financial problems and might welcome a new era which I think would represent the first genuine pan European sports league. Probably run/branded by a BSI/One Sport type organisation to administrate on team strength you'd hope it could attract decent media coverage. Eventually developed into a 16 team European league with the bulk of teams from Poland, Sweden and the UK it could eventually incorporate teams/franchises from other nations (Denmark, Germany, Czech Republic, even Russia) the 30 meeting regular season should provide enough fixtures for GP standard riders with the teams supplemented by those also riding in domestic leagues. Whilst the standard would be a little lower than the current Polish top division it would be an uplift on the current Premiership. Domestically in the UK there'd be a two league structure. One Championship standard (made up of those Premiership teams not in the Euro league and the current Championship teams) featuring those riders who wish to supplement Euro League racing and those riders based in the UK including youngsters from the National League.2 points
Thanks for your information David, I don't doubt your honesty one bit. This more than anything illustrates just how much the sport has become too expensive and unsustainable. A sport where attendances struggle to reach 1500 it is ridiculous economics for a new rider to contemplate in participating. Top riders are expected to earn decent money which would more then cover those costs, but the majority of riders are less prominent and would struggle to make them ends meet. It is little wonder the riders need that amount to compete and also see why the promoters are flogging a dead horse. Many years ago, in conversation with Terry Betts when riding a 2 value Jawa, he said he purchased a new bike every year, keeping last years as a spare. After each meeting it was hosed down and the chain oiled. Additionally, after each month, the chain and tyres were replaced. He commented this would guarantee competitive equipment for the whole season. How things have changed!!! No the races weren't as fast but the enjoyment was just as good... We need new ideas to control those costs. David has just illustrated the outlay is way out of line....2 points
Until Poole's first fixture of course.. You will then be weeping like a little 'un' prior to the meeting as you always do !2 points
If said new non Brit has such a great chance of improving their average that just shows the original assessment has been set too low..... The league doesnt really need new 5 point and sub 5 point riders I would set entry level at min 62 points
SCB's thin veneer of intelligence is once more stripped away by his rancid and repugnant ageism. It's a familiar argument - "I know a pensioner who's well-off so every one of them must be." It's as intellectually and morally bankrupt as "All these foreigners are taking our jobs". I do wonder if he's got a problem with his parents or other elderly relatives, given the sick bitterness and prejudice he continually shows to the elderly. In another recent thread he came up with what were superficially intelligent comments about the way forward but which were invalidated by his comment "Stop pandering to the old, they'll be dead soon", or words to that effect. I'll leave you to consider for a moment just how repugnant that is. Don't be taken in by someone who is obsessed withe speedway rule book and averages. It doesn't make them intelligent, merely fixated. I had to correct him ages ago when he was spouting this regulation and that to point out that he was completely ignoring the key part of the rule book, the supplementary regulations which are issued during a season and regularly amend those rules., I remember SCB complaining about the car park at a certain track on the basis that it was damaging his very expensive car. Lovely chap. I'd park mine outside ;-) If people were singled out for such abuse on the grounds of race, gender or sexuality they would be rightly condemned by most reasonable people in society and in many cases prosecuted. So why is ageism allowed? Speedway may have an age profile that could do with reducing. The SCB's of this world would achieve that by making the sport hostile to the elderly and forcing them out on the basis that the young and 'cool' (i.e. his own perception of himself) are put off by the sight of geriatrics viciously sitting down because they can't stand up for two hours and callously drinking hot drinks from a flask because they know that the stuff on sale at the track is awful quality and overpriced. Shame on them! It's not the elderly that are the problem, it's the shallow, ignorant outlook of certain people at the other end of the age spectrum. Still, there's one consolation, given the modern trend to despise the old by the time he gets to be in that age group life's going to be pretty appalling for him. Yes I have attacked the poster, and I have not one iota of apology for doing this. I've posted some strong views on here over the years but they have all been based on a deep love of and concern for the sport, and not my ego. I had my brief spell in the spotlight and I can tell you I am much, much happier sitting quietly in the shadows now. When I see SCB's posts I see raw ego. I worked with a few TV technicians like him in the past and you would sometimes get those who developed appalling arrogance through working in the industry. I thought I'd seen the worst.......until now. I remember years back Sittingbourne getting their only away Conference League win at Newport. Almost everyone on the BSF were congratulating the then Crusaders on finally getting a win. One kid wasn't though. He went through every decision made in the match, every pass and incident, desperately trying to prove that the Kent side hadn't deserved their win. Ever since then I've been waiting for SCB to grow up. Seems like I've got a longer to go. Still, I'll probably be dead first, eh? Rob McCaffery - aged 60 and expecting the basic state pension only, if that when I can finally afford to retire. You see, instead of building up a career I spent too much time with speedway. I'm now partially disabled so have to have a seat at a track even if it's a folding one which SCB so despises. After 46 years of course I don't deserve a small concession on the admission in my advancing old age.....It would be nice to be able to enjoy the sport in my final years without having to put up with prejudice from this shallow clown.2 points
Should Speedway ditch the family sport tag and go for the dirty, dangerous, raw sport tag? I think probably so!2 points
Pretty much sums it up. It's how many feel, who have either given up on the sport or who only go because of the company you keep rather than the spectacle you see.2 points
I remember a certain Mr Ward starting his career in a similar fashion and look how he turned out 5 years later into his career before it was sadly cut short. Brady will get there just needs time, he won't do a Darcy but won't be far off. At least another Poole asset won the meeting well done Jack.1 point
Speedway Euro Championship 2018 calendar: 1st round – June 23rd, Gniezno (Poland) 2nd round – July 14th, Gustrow (Germany) 3rd round – August 18th, Daugavpils (Latvia) 4th round – September 15th, Chorzów (Poland) Qualifying and challenge dates also sorted Indywidualne Mistrzostwa Europy (SEC) Półfinał 1 - 26 kwietnia - Bałakowo (Rosja) Półfinał 2 - 28 kwietnia - Gorican (Chorwacja) Półfinał 3 - 28 kwietnia - Debreczyn (Węgry) Półfinał 4 - 28 kwietnia - Pardubice (Czechy) SEC Challenge - 5 maja - Lonigo/Terenzano (Włochy looks as if the Onesport pairs is going ahead again in 2018 with the opening round scheduled for Torun on March 24th1 point
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Yes, you are a former poster! The pie-rats gives it away, can't remember the name though... Trackrat, was it??!1 point
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That is as may be but it's unlikely to be until 2019 now, perhaps over the next few months things will change with a new promoter on board and if he has a breakthrough season he may not feel the need to be elsewhere. A lot can happen in twelve months, rather than predicting doom and gloom let's just see what happens.1 point
I think we can safely say that Kurtz wasn't a 'cut above' anybody in that field after all. Maybe in the future. Or maybe not.1 point
So Tungate simply wanted it more then and done what was needed - it was to decide a National Championship after all. The ref obviously didnt see it as unfair and you roll the dice and take the odds1 point
Pickering would be a great choice his career is on the up and I would love Fricke to push on and be a number 1 he has the ability just needs the consistency.Belle Vue,Leicester,Swindon,Poole all look to have decent sides i don't care who wins just hope we see some decent racing along the way.1 point
this is the main thing for me so many shout about brits before foriegners there are a few things to considor cost,ability and attitude towards the club there signing for if they only sign because they cant get another club and they arnt fully comitted then they should stay at home and wait for a place somewhere better suited1 point
Andersen still a very good rider but throws in too many duff rides these days. Always liked him, crazy to think he never won a medal in the GPs. I think it was 05/06 that he was, Imo, the best rider in world speedway. But definately his average is only going one way and I think its a good move from Ford to release him now.1 point
Hans will be missed great team man off the track awful on it, very good at nearly taking his team mate off at times last year. That's the only area Hans should look at - his team mate on track. I would class Hans now as a journeyman, will he add to his 7.75? I don't think so will probably sustain that but won't improve. Sometimes it's better to look ahead, getting a younger rider in who will improve year on year is a good option.1 point
Would have been a big bonus if Leicester could have tempted back Syzmon Wozniak for this year as he had an average under six and is now Polish Champion and over 21. Decent team ram and good experience with Hans being a great team man and good with youngsters.1 point
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That made me laugh as well. It's like when they quote the average wage, I always think, I wish!! I've worked a long time, and still have years to go, and at the end of it will have a work pension and state pension of some description (was contracted out for part) but both together fall well short of 20k. Certainly not as much as when working so I'll be happy for my concession without having to be means tested at the turnstile to get it.1 point
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Yes, but it’s a huge disincentive for NL riders to see the CL dumping young Brits. CL clubs should be proud to show off the talents of Nielsen, Jacobs & Perks, setting examples for NL riders to aspire to, rather than ending their careers. Thankfully Stefan, at least, has got back.1 point
He won't get punished though. There was only one person Chapman wanted to punish as he had already stated before a date was set for the BSPA /SCB hearing that he would come down heavily on Rathbone as he was absolutely furious with what had happened . Then to chair the actual meeting with such a biased attitude was totally out of order.1 point
I'm guessing... If we get Nicholls 1. Scott Nicholls 9.72 2. Tero Aarnio 5.02 3. Lewis Rose 6.49 4. Ludvig Lindgren 7.21 5. Stuart Robson 7.02 6. Ashley Morris 4.88 7. Alfie Bowtell 2.14 Total: 42.48 And have Josh at 8... Would also have Robson as captain, and this team would always mean that we would have a very strong reserve in Aarnio or Ashley, and we'd have a pretty solid top 4, as I'd see Lewis upping his average and Robson, Ludvig and Nicholls (just about) maintaining theirs... Maybe dropping or adding a little bit, but them staying similar... Also Alfie would be one of the better young British number 7s in the league1 point
I said times have changed, so I agree with you on that. Where I disagree is your 2nd paragraph. He does have a valid point BUT appealing for sponsors for new equipment whilst at the same time complaining about his employer, which effectively is what he is doing is IMHO rather silly (polite version). as A Orlov says the riders have to stick together over the asset system, which I agree is wrong and illegal but I have a slight amount of sympathy for the promoters, who lets face it are not charities. Some riders demand far more than promoters can afford to pay, and have an inflated view of their own worth, and I just have the feeling that promoters have got together this season and tried to put a bit of reality into things with Ford and Buster (that we know about) only being interested in full transfers. i could be completely wrong but it's never good when one side holds all the trump cards, there has to be a balance.1 point
No one can doubt his obvious ability on a bike. Probably it would be best if he let his riding do his talking, and forego airing his views in the national magazine...1 point
The above was Halifaxtiger quoting SCB. SCB, it does say "average", that means the figure evens everyone out. Someone on the National Minimum Rate of £7.50ph will earn £15,600pa. Even the new pension, only recently started to be paid, is approx £8,400pa and that depends on NI contributions. Pensioners before that get much less- and thats what my state pension is....much less. I contributed to a private pension for 23 years which helps me out, many pensioners today do not have private pensions. They will really be struggling. I think you need to learn what pensioners are actually on rather then rely on some "average" figure. If pensioners didnt get "senior citizen" rates I would imagine some businesses would struggle - speedway would probably have folded years ago.1 point
Bit of a generalisation SCB, there's plenty of pensioners on basic pension and maybe a small personal pension .....1 point
Because if the Brits don’t come first and we lose our British riders the national team with disappear, the profile of the sport will sink even lower, the sport won’t be able to afford the extra costs of flying in riders, our league will be at the beck and call of the foreign leagues, just like last season with Poland dictating where riders should ride, there will be less interaction between riders and potential local supporters because they will rarely be in the country, there will be less interest in a sport in which only foreigners participate, all us families who support NL riders and give our time to clubs for free will be lost to the sport ....1 point
There would be no complaints from me if there were no four point foreigners in the PL. Wouldn't want Jacobs or Auty but would take Perks, would have any of them if we were a CL team though. Which is what the discussion is about after all, these lads missing out on second division spots. Why should new foreign riders get spots before all the Brits who want a place are offered one?1 point
Some of us got 16/1. The horse is owned by one of Poole's long-standing sponsors. Darcy himself was asked and agreed for the horse to be named after him.1 point
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