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This season we seem to have caused a stir with other teams fans , been a while since others have posted as much interest in our Worky thread ...maybe our team have got them slightly rattled after all Roll in March !! Up the Comets6 points
Speedway was better than the alternatives AT THAT TIME for some people, however the alternatives (and look at Rugby Union as one example) have moved on, become comparatively more attractive and progressed, whereas speedway is doing the same old same old, whilst its fanbase is getting old(er)6 points
No excuse that. U can log on to the internet & social media in other countries ya know!!!!! Lemon has tweeted about Aus Championships whilst over there & to be honest, I find it staggering that nobody from the club has commented on the Drozdz signing despite it being all over the internet for over 48 hrs now?? They really do need to sort out how they promote the club in the media as it’s pretty terrible. Poor for us fans to find out Jack Smith not returning from him and his Mum and finding out we have signed Drozdz and Fricke from a Polish club!! Regarding our Number 7, personally I would have gone with Todd Kurtz or Jan Graversen - some good English league experience there. Just noticed another potential target for No 7, Joe Jacobs has announced his retirement due to being unable to find a club in either division. Sad for another young British rider to have to call it quits. We really should be looking after our own more.5 points
I see he has announced his retirement on Twitter. Assuming this isn't another Josh Bates style incident, then it's certainly a shame. There is something very wrong when our own riders can't get a place or can't double-up, yet quite a few untried or low grade overseas riders will be in the starting line-ups and plenty of overseas riders will be doubling-up. Priority should be with all home riders until they all have a place.4 points
Despite all the negitives of last season I am guessing that most of of us will be back next season to sample the fayre that is on offer. Some will arrive with the glass half empty and some with the glass half full, but ARRIVE we will3 points
The 2017 season was the worst yet for the many fans, the number of restarts from the tapes and the riders stopping at the pit gates to muck about with the bike before going back to the start. Cutting the two mins to a one min time would help and stop much gardening etc. They should reduce the delays between races, and at certain clubs, the amount of tractor racing and get on with the meetings, especially when it is cold. The main meeting should take no more than 90 mins, unless there are many accidents or air fence issues and fans can then either go or stay on for a second half of either practice or a 4 or 6 heat junior type event.3 points
Yes, let's lose a quality production, expertly presented by an experienced presenter with a solid speedway pedigree and programmes shown consistently as advertised and matches covered reliably and complete. Let's go for a service that can't be relied on to show matches reliably in a regular time slot and often delays coverage until late at night, often cutting out heats and whose basic presentation leaves a hell of a lot to be desired. It's also a station that rarely actually covers the meetings themselves, relying on taking the World Feed from BSI when they showed the Grand Prixs and simply took a feed from CMore when they showed Swedish speedway. The only speedway they've covered themselves has been the OneSport SEC and Pairs events. Yes, let's go from quality to third-rate and unreliable.....2 points
I remember watching an old Speedway video from around the early 80's (1982?), cant remember which track but they showed the turnstiles with people queuing up and Adult entrance was £3.00... If it was 1982, that £3.00 entrance fee is now worth £7.40, (not Eighteen quid).... Add in the cost of Satellite TV, Internet, Mobile Phone contracts, increased car ownership, inflation busting higher house prices and rent, higher cost of Petrol, Gas and Electric, Higher cost of Home insurance, Life insurance, etc etc... And the bottom line is for so many people their disposable income percentage wise is so much reduced from the early eighties due to the cost of basic living... £18 today is equivalent to £7.29 in 1982... I would suggest if Speedway charged £7.29 back then crowds wouldn't have been anywhere near as good as they were.. Clearly perceived high admission costs are a huge factor in the demise of the Sport.... How it finds a way to reduce them to attract people who either used to go or simply have no knowledge of the sport is the major barrier it needs to overcome..2 points
Cook has got to the GPs very quickly. He was a new NL novice only about seven years ago. He’s late to the sport and older but he’s the equivalent of a 23 year old who started at 16! He’s got there faster that Brady Kurtz or Jack Holder will. Poole have cornered the win at all costs “brand”, based on mercenary opportunism every year, but it works only because no other club does that well or adopts real branding which is a longer term strategy of creating a club culture that fans and potential customers in the local community can identify with.2 points
With having a 2 point rider he’s going to be outclassed on numerous occasions at home and away but as long as there’s progression it’s not a problem. This team is built to be able to win with 6 riders scoring well with no pressure on the number 72 points
Very pragmatic of you but it is still sad that doubling up is just justified because of a lack of riders and then lads are having to retire because of that same rule. This shouldn't be happening.2 points
2 points
You are so stupid, Steve. Jacobs was superb for Belle Vue and with some effort on their part could have become a loyal servant for years. Sure, with the short-sighted Poole mentality of win every year at all costs, you wouldn’t be interested in investing in the future of a young British rider. Just look at how Kyle Newman has been treated.2 points
I appreciate that and can understand why, but it's difficult to take people seriously who flag up the bad stuff every time it happens but are nowhere to be seen when there are good things to comment on. Works in reverse as well of course.2 points
Let hope that our neighbours use Kus. They own him, and are apparently running on a budget.2 points
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If I were to be cursed with so little personal knowledge of the past. That my views had to be shaped by YouTube alone. Then, hopefully, I too could be excused for coming to some pretty daft conclusions.2 points
It is a strange phenomenon. At Swindon more than half the crowd leave before the team have come round on the victory parade, let alone stay for the post meeting interviews, MoTM presentation etc. I can't explain it. I'd rather stand around for 10 minutes watching the proceedings than sit in a queue of traffic waiting to get out of the car park2 points
WHY DO WE HAVE TWO LEAGUES ? We go into the 2018 season still with two leagues which is fine if both leagues were vastly different but now the only difference really is one rider and some Championship teams look almost just as strong as some Premiership teams. Yes having two leagues creates more meetings for riders doubling up which years ago was just the odd rider but now most riders operate in both. But to create more meetings means seeing the same teams twice and sometimes the same team visits just weeks after their first visit. However the real reason we have a Premiership League is to give places for the few top riders that still ride here for one reason or another. In 2018 the only riders that come into this category is Jason Doyle, Jacob Thorssell and Martin Vaculik as the other number ones that have been named already have Championship places and both Vaculik and Thorssell start with averages lower than Nick Morris who is signed up in both leagues so having one league should mean those two could get places in one big league. Morris, Masters, Harris, Cook and Schlein all have Premiership averages higher than that of Nicholls and Kennett yet these two Brits are having to fight for the right to ride in the second tier in their own country wile riders like Ellis Perks, Tom Perry and others are looking to sell their bikes as they can' get team places while riders from other countries can get places on averages they achieved that is short of the average they first came in on and fill up the lower berths in the second tier while National League riders await the chance to ride. If there was one big league featuring the 8 Premiership and 11 Championship tracks it would generate 18 home and 18 away (36 matches) which is just 12 less than running two leagues (28/20) and if the season started with the forgotten Craven Shield or Young Trophy meetings using regional groups then it would be about the same.number.of meetings overall. So basically the only real reason we are still operating a Premiership is to accommodate JASON DOYLE and to satisfy the few clubs that can afford such riders and keep the prices at £18 a meeting for a product that has got weaker and weaker each season and this season doesn't even have a rule in place to ensure tracks use British riders. SO SHOULD WE HAVE GONE ONE LEAGUE ? Well one league would have created a more varied fixture list bringing back the days when you.only had.once chance to see that visiting team and didn' want to miss it. It also creates local derbies such as Belle Vue v Sheffield or Lakeside v Rue House but most.importantly it creates spaces so plenty of places for.not only new riders but.reserve places for National League riders that need track time and revenue to make it pay. So in my opinion we have again missed the chance to rebuild British Speedway at an affordable level and getting teams to be your team once more just to accommodate the World Champion VIEWS1 point
Which again begs the question, therefore why do they often choose the more expensive, ‘foreign dross’ option? I think we are agreeing with you, just discussing the reasoning.1 point
The amount of times I needed them extra 2" has been the story of my life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In more ways then you might think1 point
Most years we have had a dummy No.7 and wasted points, this year I couldnt give a monkeys who they have there. We've had riders who are meant to do well and get 0,0,0 so this year the last guy will have no pressure, the rest of the team can get the points.1 point
Being in a team for a few years in a row did Ashley Morris a load of good, it'd do Joe Jacobs a lot of good also, he's a rider I'd have like to have seen at Newcastle, especially if we went down the 2 4.00 reserves route... Shame1 point
No, that's pre-school, it's even worse!! Please do... I will try reaaally hard to find yous, but you're not allowed to say anything until I find you1 point
my niece is called danni dyer if she gets on a speedway bike look out ive seen her driving her car1 point
We have an obsession with employing 2 rate foreigners thinking they will be world champions in a couple of seasons.Would like to know how much financial difference to employ them, cheaper or more expensive!1 point
The positive initiatives of the last few years have now all been ditched The draft was far from perfect but that was due to the selfish implementation rather than the ideal The raising of starting average for visa riders and that ALL none Brits could not fall below 5 The min 2 Brits per team Brit only No7 in the 2nd tier Short sighted.....1 point
For the reasons you mention I doubt we will ever see Dyer over here ever again, but for the sheer entertainment I hope one of the clubs who have spaces to fill sign Dyer.1 point
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I think you might be in trouble suggesting that Cradley are Wolverhampton's NL team. Belle Vue are the only PL team running a NL team. The crowds for the Colts were decent at that level but way below those for the Aces despite the excellent racing and admission fees of £10 for adults, £8 for concessions and free admission for anyone under 18.1 point
1 point
Don't think your team will have anyone rattled unfortunately. Quietly cautious and respectful of perhaps but not rattled, certainly not away from your own patch. But speedway isn't raced on paper so you never know.1 point
They wouldn't. The majority of fans would go to the senior team and skip the 'reserve team'. Where are you getting £12-15 from? Second division teams are already charging nearly as much as first division sides as it is, i.e. more than £12-15.1 point
Ill bet you £1,000,000 you wont beat the club i follow at Derwent Park if you like? Not sure why your getting all bent out of shape to be honest.. will probably do ok at home but away will take some houndings and will finish in the bottom half1 point
Would that be similar to the pressure of being 1 point down on aggregate in the Grand Final with 3 races to go and executing a sublime pass on the final lap to put you in the box seat? Is that the sort of pressure you are talking about?1 point
1 point
It isn't, but you could do it in the interval (if you have one) instead. Personally, I loathe intervals but if there is some form of attraction it makes them slightly more tolerable. Isle of Wight have a kids bike race. All lined up at the tapes with their helmets on to rocket round, and they even have handicaps for some of the older competitors. I still would prefer to get on with the meeting but I have no reason to doubt Barry Bishop when he told me that that is why some of the youngsters are actually there, the speedway coming a distant second. Better that than standing around in the freezing cold for 20 minutes as I did at Birmingham a couple of seasons back.1 point
1 point
That’s it, Steve, crank up the smugness just like last year so it’s even sweeter when we thrash you again and again and win the league yet again!1 point
Watched the Fleetwood v Leicester FA cup match on tv today and the commentator mentioned that the home teams ground is built on the old speedway track site, also that he watched speedway at Bristol. This got me thinking about the Fleetwood Flyers so I did a quick search and came up with this www.fleetwoodtoday.co.uk/lifestyle/dramatic-end-for-fleetwood-speedway-1-1561864 Looks like some promoters of those days were just as dodgy as some of todays, and that things really don't change.1 point
Firstly, Well done Josh Sadly stalwart Bertie (Farmer) Barr has passed away this morning. Well known from his days driving the tractor and a good friend to all. Bertie was well into his 90’s and ever faithful at Edinburgh Speedway until last year Condolences to his family. RIP Bert1 point
If anyone other than Poole wanted Woryna and Szczpaniak do you think they'd be allowed to get them on less than the 5.00 of similar (or weaker) Poles like Drozdz? Of course not.1 point
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thats the thing i keep saying the ones knocking the team are not workington fans its fans of other teams that are the ones knocking it and trying to rip it apart1 point
no propaganda here scare.as I've said before, give kind a chance as i,m sure he will be a welcome addition.as for getting turned over i won't even answer that one.all i know is that no workington fan should be even thinking of criticising the make up of your team.think positive.costs nothing.1 point
only slight negative from any conected to Workington is regarding klindt its the posts from fans of other teams that are negative which could be there trying a bit of propaganda as there really worried this team of no hopers and 2nd strings are gonna turn them over1 point
human beings , cant work with them , wont work without them . so throw some names in the pot and lets see what you come up with ! if you are a worky supporter , support the team . as long as they all put on a good show and dont do a sarj on us . i will be there and happy . so lets have your team then !1 point