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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2018 in all areas

  1. Actually, even that is only part of the story. We travelled to Wembley from Halifax and were ONLY interested in a KC win. It should have been the worst thing in the world for the despised Penhall to win and in THAT fashion. But he did. And yet even so ... that night remains in the top three Speedway meetings I have attended in my lifetime. And the other two up there are not GPs either. I do really love the SGPs ... but being honest probably only the odd one or two creeps into my Top Ten of best meetings ever. It isn't all about 'the racing'. Never has been The best EXPERIENCE is a combination of so much more that just 'counting up the passes' on the track. Perhaps you just had to be there. But Wembley 1981 really was THAT special. And trying to explain just how tangible that experience was to those who were not present is just utterly futile.
    7 points
  2. I don't detect much negativity from true Comets fans at all - on the contrary, I think we are generally pleased with the new line up and delighted we have speedway in Workington again in 2018.
    6 points
  3. Believe me when I say that at Somerset, all those things have and do happen every season.
    6 points
  4. If Kus and Jordy are 2 of the 3 remaining that would leave us with around 5.80, why go with Tobi on 4.66 and waste over a point when we could have someone like BWD, could of had Ellis back aswell, british lad, most improved rider in 2017, and now ditched, looks like we got what we needed from him last year and then tossed him aside 1 british lad in the team this season compared to last seasons 5, what happened to bringing the young brits through?
    4 points
  5. Who cares. Swindon didn’t give Ford permission to steal Miedzinski. About time his pathetic oneupmanship was exposed.
    3 points
  6. Didnt realise we had signed 2017 KO cup 3 point match winner Scott Campos;)
    3 points
  7. Do you realise: if you post that on social media now 50,000 people will have shared it by lunchtime, 8 billion by tea time, and by tomorrow the world leaders will have all seen that we’re all not working hard enough and we’ll all be subject to a totalitarian regime ...... run by the BSPA!
    3 points
  8. 1981 was the year I attended my first meeting. Right from the get-go, I absolutely loved it. I really hope there are other 7 year olds who have that same feeling I had in 2018 about the sport and are blissfully unaware of all the silly politics around it. I remember we bumped into my hero Chris Morton in a motorway service on the way back from a meeting. I was absolutely beside myself with excitement...happily the sport still has that down-to-earth accessibility other sports have lost. My fear is that the parents of these 7 year olds are not buying into it any more. The overall product is not strong enough to justify an outing for the whole family. Now, I have kids of my own and live in Devon. Can I see myself taking my 5 year old twins to Plymouth Speedway in a couple of years? Or will I prefer to spend my money on an outing to a climbing centre, the cinema, the Exeter Chiefs, the theatre, swimming? All similarly priced, all patently better leisure experiences, all much more likely to be enjoyed by the whole family. It's a no-brainer really. ps. on the 81 final, I think the collective joy was around the champion himself. Penhall had the looks, style, charisma that no other rider before or since could match and he won the title in such a brilliant fashion too. That's why we remember it so fondly. Plus, he was on Tiswas too.
    3 points
  9. 4 valves the beginning of the end, followed by laydowns this is when firm leadership was needed to avoid what is now effectively an arms race where no one wins but tuners and kit suppliers extra 2 mph while we on the terraces gain nothing
    3 points
  10. But so was Vaculik, who is now 8. Apparently.. If the BSPA were capable of publishing facts, this sport would not be in the mess it is in. The uncertainty certainly erks me allot.
    3 points
  11. WHY DO WE HAVE TWO LEAGUES ? We go into the 2018 season still with two leagues which is fine if both leagues were vastly different but now the only difference really is one rider and some Championship teams look almost just as strong as some Premiership teams. Yes having two leagues creates more meetings for riders doubling up which years ago was just the odd rider but now most riders operate in both. But to create more meetings means seeing the same teams twice and sometimes the same team visits just weeks after their first visit. However the real reason we have a Premiership League is to give places for the few top riders that still ride here for one reason or another. In 2018 the only riders that come into this category is Jason Doyle, Jacob Thorssell and Martin Vaculik as the other number ones that have been named already have Championship places and both Vaculik and Thorssell start with averages lower than Nick Morris who is signed up in both leagues so having one league should mean those two could get places in one big league. Morris, Masters, Harris, Cook and Schlein all have Premiership averages higher than that of Nicholls and Kennett yet these two Brits are having to fight for the right to ride in the second tier in their own country wile riders like Ellis Perks, Tom Perry and others are looking to sell their bikes as they can' get team places while riders from other countries can get places on averages they achieved that is short of the average they first came in on and fill up the lower berths in the second tier while National League riders await the chance to ride. If there was one big league featuring the 8 Premiership and 11 Championship tracks it would generate 18 home and 18 away (36 matches) which is just 12 less than running two leagues (28/20) and if the season started with the forgotten Craven Shield or Young Trophy meetings using regional groups then it would be about the same.number.of meetings overall. So basically the only real reason we are still operating a Premiership is to accommodate JASON DOYLE and to satisfy the few clubs that can afford such riders and keep the prices at £18 a meeting for a product that has got weaker and weaker each season and this season doesn't even have a rule in place to ensure tracks use British riders. SO SHOULD WE HAVE GONE ONE LEAGUE ? Well one league would have created a more varied fixture list bringing back the days when you.only had.once chance to see that visiting team and didn' want to miss it. It also creates local derbies such as Belle Vue v Sheffield or Lakeside v Rue House but most.importantly it creates spaces so plenty of places for.not only new riders but.reserve places for National League riders that need track time and revenue to make it pay. So in my opinion we have again missed the chance to rebuild British Speedway at an affordable level and getting teams to be your team once more just to accommodate the World Champion VIEWS
    2 points
  12. Does the video of the meeting really matter? What is far more important is the experience of those on the night. And Wembley '81 was a magical meeting. The atmospheric was electric, especially during the Penhall/Olsen and Penhall/Knudsen duels. I would suggest anyone who doesn't like this meeting wasn't actually there!
    2 points
  13. Sounds to me like it's just spin in the latest Echo article. Poole might be in a bit of a pickle for team building.
    2 points
  14. That's on youtube. Bruce trundling along on the little tricycle (he was still going faster than in that Overseas Final race though!) I wonder who won his racesuit? It was a massive blow to the sport when he retired, and it somehow took something away from Carter...Their rivalry was legendary.
    2 points
  15. As I have said before, I will continue to sponsor Leon, he has massive potential. I like his signing for Birmingham as I believe they can get the best out of him. Please remember he is just 15, so does not need pressure, just nurturing. Any pressure needed he will provide it himself, even if he started brilliantly, he would still demand improvement of himself. TAFFYS
    2 points
  16. After all the moaning on here I would expect it to be one of "those" particular members of this forum........... they can then set about delivering what they have claimed should be "easy"!!
    2 points
  17. Bet BV management are happy! announcing 2 members of the team.
    2 points
  18. Just run with 6-man teams if that is the case ...
    2 points
  19. Sincerely hope not! Jeez!
    2 points
  20. It's just the usual "cloak and dagger mentality"that rules speedway
    2 points
  21. I personally like the team for the fact we will always have a potential match winner at reserve (Newman or Bates) and second string (king or piesczcek). Plenty of strength in depth. Now just to hope we’re a bit luckier this season!
    2 points
  22. Is it me or is there a hint we may have Nicki Pedersen in the team since they are standing in front of his bike ?
    2 points
  23. Konopka and Dilger the last two
    2 points
  24. He’s not a bad lad for a Manc is he?
    2 points
  25. Plenty of the predictable annual defensiveness when people don't rate a team get a grip people, it's a discussion forum. Almost any of these riders could end up as number one, hopefully it'll be Bewley. Early on there looks like few race winners away from home but solid outfit nonetheless.
    2 points
  26. You'e a proper fan Win,Lose or draw cheer your team on. You had enough seasons without a team. Cherish it now they'e back
    2 points
  27. Thanks for the Info I knew changeover day was friday/Saturday. So in the past it would be a problem, but now maybe the promotions work in that area may bring some rewards. In reality with the World Champion and a great racetrack you would think people would be flocking in. IMO even though it is obviously for team building purposes Swindon are mad not to use him. A Town like Swindon with a World Champion in the team should be packing them in. At least they'e trying which is far more than some promotions do.
    2 points
  28. I like the idea of Kevin Doolan riding at No2, as I think as probably the most experienced rider and team captain it is a good idea to have Kevin out in Ht1, to pass on information about track conditions to the rest of the team.
    1 point
  29. I partly agree. Don't think one rider has been announced in UK who is doing more than what the POL EXL rules allow. Unless he is not riding in EXL where he can ride where he likes. Such as Hans A. Poole have 17.89 points left for the 3 riders. IF... Shanes is in that takes 2.95 leaving 14.94. You could even have both HA at 7.75 and Chris H at 7.16 = 14.91. Well rumoured of course has been Linus Sundstrom on this Forum and he should be 7.22 LESS the 2% per season for not having ridden here since 2013, meaning 7.22 less 8% = 6.64 meaning they could sign any 2 from 3 from Holder/Andersen or Sundstrom. But Sundstrom cant be announced or signed unless the Poles relax the 3 League rule as he rides POL EXL plus both Swe leagues. It could be mind games or it could still be the 3 League POL rule which will pee off Kings Lynn if they are planning to try and get NKI back if it isn't relaxed to allow 4 leagues. He already signed POL EXL/SWE and as it stands still can only do DK as his Nationality League.
    1 point
  30. It doesn't really matter if either of those two , because the damage has been done with the 5 already signed. Scotty or Hans would be carrying a lot of weight IMO
    1 point
  31. Lets be honest no one could do much worse than the last few season on the media front . Fingers crossed this is the beginning of a new dawn .
    1 point
  32. Will be a good indication this year where GB is on the world stage with drodz wroyna and co in the premiership. If they set things alight its a further worry.
    1 point
  33. So to get your team news link on to Polish team web sites.
    1 point
  34. Indeed we have missed the chance to achieve something that might last longer than the present bodge up. We are told that there are not enough riders to run one big league, but I do not believe that would be the case. There is just too much resistance from the BSPA to work towards a sustainable future. It's the Emperor's New Clothes syndrome, as they do not see the reality of how interest in the sport is fading.
    1 point
  35. no propaganda here scare.as I've said before, give kind a chance as i,m sure he will be a welcome addition.as for getting turned over i won't even answer that one.all i know is that no workington fan should be even thinking of criticising the make up of your team.think positive.costs nothing.
    1 point
  36. Please.......................NO NO
    1 point
  37. You can't beat the Brummie language, can you.
    1 point
  38. Looks like an old bike. Rear mudguard is not a hugger and throttle is metal Magura , not one of the fancy see through ones they have used the last few years.
    1 point
  39. Hardly news worst kept secret in speedway- I welcome Robin and wish him luck - let’s hope this is a new dawn for me keeping fans informed on news on and off the track better presentation of meetings - keeping the meetings flowing rather than endless laps with the tractors definitely more urgency on that . And of course track prep get the track back to how it used to be using proper red shale rather than soil with a few stones in it . Massive task and Buster could be the biggest problem as others have found but I wish Robin luck
    1 point
  40. Hans Andersen's recent tweet didn't seem like him leaving Poole was of his choice. A rider worth much more than his average IMO, Poole loss is very much Leicesters likely gain.
    1 point
  41. Lebedevs to Belle Vue on 4.33, Matt Ford would not allow.
    1 point
  42. I reckon the pussycats are already sorted - just waiting for the right time to announce......
    1 point
  43. No wonder it was voted down
    1 point
  44. They may be not world stars ,but they have shown there loyalty to the club instead of taking off for pastures anew as soon as soon as better terms are offered elsewhere , they have stuck by the club when others like B.Barker . C. Harris , P. Starke , J.Holder have all turned there backs and moved on. That's why they stick by them because they are reliable and dependable and put the club first , regardless if they are the best options or not loyalty must go a long way.
    1 point
  45. We can't afford Lindgren... so little hope of affording three of them.
    1 point
  46. Cutting the ribbon at the new Poole cafe?
    1 point
  47. No he's not. He started well for a couple of months then tailed off. Went two steps forward then three steps back. He seems to be surrounded by a peer group (judging by his Facebook friends) who are the typical "Eye-beef-ah crowd" and his dip in form seems to have coincided with the time his mates were getting Brahms & Liszt and laid in the flesh pots in the sun whilgt he was getting bored washing his bikes at home.I don't think he's got the attitude and determinatioin to progress.
    1 point
  48. No, it's about having teams of relatively equal strength so that you don't have a race to financial extinction for those who cannot compete economically. It's a case of not having the insanity of paying highly expensive 'star' riders blasting round half a lap in front and taking home more than the total attendance money. Sadly too many fans hide behind the "watered down" mantra that totally fails to realise that the sport in Britain is a brown ale sport trying to live off champagne. Yes, there was a day when we could afford the top talent but those costs have been disastrously escalated by the money being paid in Poland and riders' expectations soaring as a result. The bubble will burst but for now Britain has to find a way to survive until then and if it does not then find a way to survive. Having fans that see that the quality of racing is vastly more important that the quality of names in a sport like ours might help. At this level it's all about putting on meetings that will attract and entertain new crowds, not provide them with uncompetitive meetings but telling them,"Who cares, that's Tai Woffinden half a lap ahead of Jason Doyle". Most would say "Who the hell are they and why is there no action?". British speedway's situation cannot be simplistically laid entirely at the BSPA's door. The competition of Poland and the Grand Prixs have battered British speedway which never stood a chance. When the sport here tries to do something to survive it would be useful if these posturing 'supporters' actually demonstrated that support by dropping this damaging "watered down" rubbish, but then that would ask for a view of the bigger picture that too many cannot or will not even begin to try. This will be my 47th season in the sport and in those years I have watched speedway and often worked in it all levels from World Finals to training tracks. Thankfully I've learned that I was just as likely to see a decent speedway race at Iwade as I would be at Cardiff of Wembley. I would have missed so much joy if I had stupidly stuck to the "I don't DO second division" or "It's watered down" approach. In most sports the greater the talent the greater the entertainment, but that doesn't work in racing unless you have the enormous hype budget of F1. I adore the sight of a match being won by a rider bravely taking the outside line to win on the line and I don't care what his name or reputation is....
    1 point
  49. WITH respect, Phil , you are playing both poacher and gamekeeper.... Maybe the FIM did jump the gun, through Armando Castagna....The thing is, the "Speedway Star", of which you are managing editor, published that story / interview with Armando ! You cant have it both ways ! You are course absolutely 100% correct when you state "SOIMETHING I learned in my profession decades ago is that if someone tells you something in confidence you do not betray that. If you do, a second chance is rarely forthcoming." SO....Dont say anything ! Dont tease, dripfeed, or anything like that, just stay quiet until the full facts are in the public domain ! Now, i realise that may not suit the journalist within you, but, as I said, you cant have it both ways !
    1 point
  50. Rightly or wrongly Hampshire needs to invest in his equipment if he is to improve. Not just financially but in time & maintenance also. Its a very common misconception with riders breaking into the NL that they will earn enough money to cover all their costs & that the two bikes they have that look good at the start of the year will last all season. Whatever the age of the bike they require constant work and if there is any item that might fail it almost certainly will fail. Bikes at NL level do not need to be new but they do need to be looked after thoroughly.
    1 point
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