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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2018 in all areas

  1. WROTE the following in an edition of Speedway Star in June 1981. Could have repeated it every year since including the present one. SPEEDWAY in this country is facing a crisis which threatens the foundations on which the sport is built. Unless something is done to stop the squabbling, the wastage of money, bending of the rules and, in some cases, blatant breaking of regulations, speedway will lose even the support of the hard core of fans. Vast numbers of followers are becoming disenchanted either with the way speedway is run or by the attitude of riders who seem prepared to bite the hand that feeds them. Any rider who doesn't fulfil his commitments is cheating the public. It is as simple as that. Speedway has got itself into such a mess with foreign riders that there is no easy way out. But a remedy must be found. First, however, the promoters who run league speedway in this country must put their own house in order. Speedway desperately needs a clearly defined set of regulations which are strictly adhered to without exception. The rulebook as it is at present is bent, manipulated, rewritten, ignored or changed at will. That cannot continue. Sadly, it seems it has.
    9 points
  2. Quite, Philip. I dare say these wise words are still dismissed as 'troublemaking' by those in power. Promoters are capable, in most cases, of running a speedway track, often against all the odds and many pour in time and money to keep tracks going, but all that good work seems to drift away on the wind once they act together as the BSPA. It would almost be a kindness to put control in independent hands. Sadly the sport, even after 90 years is still not mature enough to do this, or more crucially accept the decisions taken by an independent controller or body. Short-sighted pragmatism rules and certain riders exploit it to the full. Your comments about rider commitments are at the heart of the current crisis. Riding in Britain for too many is just something to do while waiting to make big money in Poland. Of course you don't do anything to risk that, such as putting full effort into racing. People rightly praise the quality of commitment of riders in the GPs and Poland. Sadly it's unrealistic to expect similar commitment in races, or even turning up here, when the pickings are so poor. Compromise after compromise erodes integrity. Adding in a disregard for the paying customer by promoters and riders creates the current toxic situation. The problem is, I should be angry, but all I can really feel is pity.
    8 points
  3. Dead right and that is what sticks in my craw more than anything else. We can all debate the rules that apply to speedway but, however controversial they might be, they can at least be applied consistently by an unbiased, impartial adjudicator. Simple truth is, though, all too often they are not. They are subject to inconsistent, arbitrary, incompetent and illegal rulings by interested parties - parties whose identities are hidden and whose reasons are rarely disclosed. That is almost totally contrary to our system of law and breeds frustration and anger amongst not just fans but officials of clubs as well. Isle of Wight asked for average reduction for Harland Cook last season, a rider who had been out of the sport for years,. They were refused, despite the precedent set for David Wallinger and Luke Clifton the previous season. Later in 2017 Paul Hurry was given an average reduction of almost 3 points, two clubs having been quoted an average in excess of 10.50 during the close season. Matt Marson, who has never ridden in Britain and has a British passport, was at one point graded at a 5.00 - which doesn't even exist in the NL rulebook. You can only believe that such rulings are motivated by spite, jealousy, backscratching and one-upmanship. People can complain about the rulebook and individual rules as much as they like but until its contents are applied consistently, fairly and openly by an independent arbitrator we might as well not have one.
    7 points
  4. I think if betting became widespread in speedway there's a risk the sport could become corrupt
    5 points
  5. It is quite a breathtaking level of arrogance that has been shown by those who run the Sport in this Country that they have continually ignored the feedback of their very own patrons for so many years.. I would say that since this piece was written crowds are now approximately 20% of what they were then, meaning 80% of its customer base has been eroded either sadly through natural causes or the disillusionment of an ageing fanbase.. You cannot have any greater help in running any business than your customers telling you what they like you doing and what they dont, and Speedway through various weekly and monthly magazines during the past thirty years, and obviously the Internet in the past 10 in particular, have had literally thousands of pieces of 'feedback' which incredibly have been completely ignored... The frustration for the few fans that now remain is that the feedback the governing bodies have received has been year on year very, very, similar in content with many common themes running through the fans' discontent... When the mantra should have been "We are listening, thanks for the feedback , we will change" it instead became "We are right, and you fans have absolutely no idea what you are talking about". "British Speedway, now reaping what it has sowed over the past thirty years"... That would be a good strap line for the 2018 season....
    3 points
  6. I think that's a decent team, certainly one worth watching. Klindt is the only one I have real concerns about. He was awful riding for Scunthorpe in this league, averaging two points lower than his starting one here and only being interested if he gated.
    3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. It was . . . . It really was!
    3 points
  9. Don't worry. The country is being turned into a throwback to the 1950's, so Speedway will fit in very well indeed. Keep calm, and stay analogue.
    3 points
  10. I don't care if Ludvig is a 7 point rider, a 10 point rider or a 2 point rider for the rest of his career, some of his races are entertaining to watch, and that's all I'm bothered about, entertainment, one of the most entertaining riders I've seen over the years (in my opinion) is Chris Schramm, and by the time I was watching him regularly, he was below 4 points, but he was still worth at least half of the entrance fee alone, but of course, everyone can have opinions In my opinion, Rene Bach, Ashley Morris, Stuart Robson and Ludvig Lindgren doesn't get much better for entertainment purposes, just need the interesting story of a young number 7 getting better every week (Alfie) A massive number 1 who can just blow riders away (Nichols??? Maybe they will change the rules as rumors have suggested) All of these riders would go into my dream team... But that's it, a dream lol
    3 points
  11. Mmm....Blunsdon in mid-March makes the Arctic seem like a beach holiday!
    2 points
  12. Worky have named their full 1-7 and so cannot stop Howarth riding anywhere he wants now and can only demand a standard loan fee and nothing else
    2 points
  13. Looks a team of second strings... whos winning races?? Think Bewley will end up as number 1 by the end of the year
    2 points
  14. In fairness I think we have a really solid team. With Mason starting as a reserve it could prove to be a master stroke especially with Bewley being the next rider up the pecking order if they were to swap places at some point we would still have a strong reserve which is something we have lacked for a few seasons. I think Rene being number one is something he will want to keep hold of. If rasmus rides at two it will be a strong pairing. Also I think putting Ty and Dan together would be another good pairing leaving Klint with number 5 linking up with the reserves.
    2 points
  15. In fairness to Jack he made great progress in 2017. Went from reserve in 2016 to heat leader in 2017 in the NL and has gained valuable experience at the 2 higher levels as well. Think he should concentrate targeting number one at the Colts and moving up into the main body in the Championship. Can see him back in the top tier in a couple of years. Nice little talent developing nicely.
    2 points
  16. Well, I have seen 46 years of almost continual decline, in terms of support and numbers of professional tracks and the riding talent employed in the country. While this last point, as I have argued many times in the past is not as vital as many would think, it is a reality. To say that because the sport is still here then it's always been like this does seem rather odd logic. I have never claimed that "The sky is falling in" and predicted British speedway's doom. I am fully convinced that it will always survive at least in a semi-professional or amateur form, say today's Championship or NL level but I have had my severe doubts about sustainability at the fully professional level for many years, and certainly since its loss of Saturdays and now Fridays too. Outside speedway my academic background and my consuming interest still is in aspects of economic and social history. I study history in many forms, both through books and magazines and by video. I occasionally also visit source material when I can. I think I am in a fairly good position to be able to judge how aspects of society change over time. I certainly don't subscribe to the view that the past was automatically better. I'd like to think that despite having enjoyed many things in the past I am not in possession of 'rose-tinted glasses'. I do not lament lost youth. However, I do know what I enjoy and have enjoyed, and equally the reverse. I have seen wonderful things arrive such as the very technology that allows me to make this posting. I have equally seen matters develop that appal me such as the rise of social selfishness and erosion of basic human respect and consideration. I have no doubt whatsoever that British speedway has declined appallingly in that near half-century, mainly due to the impact of SGPs and Poland. I didn't see the disaster years of the 1950s but I did start about six years after the 1960s revival brought about by the creation of the BL. Off the top of my head there were about 36 professional tracks in the top two divisions in my first year, 1971. Now we have just over half that number. Nobody can suggest that is anything but a disaster, despite the existence of the theoretically amateur NL. In 1971 there were seven first division tracks running on Saturdays, over a third of the league. These included Wembley, the old Belle Vue, Coventry, Cradley and Halifax. All are gone. Outside London it could be argued the backbone of the sport has been lost. We have lost all speedway in London as well. No, things are far worse than they were in 1971. As for racing, that is subjective but while I feel domestically that racing has picked up slightly in recent seasons, viewing my videos of the 1980s I have no doubt that racing has declined, principally through the decline of outside passing. For years I watched racers take the brave challenge of opening the throttle and going for the outside pass only to be let down by cheaply-prepared or maintained tracks that failed to give them the grip to reward their bravery. There is still some. but not enough, and if a speedway lover like me sees this, what do you think the attitude of the casual supporters is. Id'd ask them if most hadn't voted with their feet. In Poland and the SGPs I feel the racing has recovered to the standard I once knew here, but feel that is a product of expenditure on tracks and incentives for the riders. Here though neither exists significantly enough. Just by bringing back GP riders you won't get GP racing without money. Yes people have warned speedway about its foolishness continually for years and have been ignored. I'd suggest that many who did have long-since found other things to occupy them. Claiming that just because the sport survives these messages are invalidated does nobody any good, neither the sport or contributor. The biggest problem with people or sports involved in a negative spiral is to convince them they haven't got a problem, whether they be a drunk or a sport that's lost its way. Speedway should be grateful that some still care enough to put over reasoned and constructive criticism. Certainly it does little to encourage such loyalty and carries on in its own complacent way, occasionally telling supporters off for not attending..... The fact that Philip can justifiably level the same allegations 36 years later is not a failing of his.
    2 points
  17. I cannot see anyway that Jon Cook would apply to join the Championship without assurances that Hammers would get Friday or Saturday as their race night. Any other night and we might as well pack up now.
    2 points
  18. Solid team throughout happy with that
    2 points
  19. To be fair to Jack , Sheffield and the NL for the Colts could be a good springboard for him in 2018. he has the talent but neeeds to take things steadily. I do hope that he is in Belle Vue’s long term future.
    2 points
  20. Yes Shouldnt be allowed in 14 either IMO
    2 points
  21. Josh Bates riding in British speedway has got to be one of the best bits of winter news yet. We look forward to being entertained by this all action, 100% trying, British youngster.
    2 points
  22. i think it would be easier to look at the attendance figures - that tells the actual story
    2 points
  23. Scrap that! Bates has just announced he will be racing next season on his Twitter. Great news
    2 points
  24. Dog racing is as corrupt and bent as they come.
    2 points
  25. I hope Craig receives offers that can enable him to get equipment he needs. Good luck Cookie.
    2 points
  26. He could REFUSE to do that!
    2 points
  27. DEPENDS what your definition of contradiction is in this case. Mind is obviously different to many here but, no matter, we all have own own opinions. As far as I am concerned rules should encourage progress, to make the sport, in this case speedway, as good and simple as possible, to encourage those involved to aspire to the highest levels. The opposite is currently the case which as far as I'm concerned is a contradiction. But it's hardly worth an argument about semantics and if my interpretation doesn't align with yours that's fine. Mine is that the current regulations do more harm than good, starting with the one eight point rider per team fiasco.
    2 points
  28. Looks like I made the same mistake as Proundtobeabrummie. I was hoping Cupitt would be included for 2018, so pleased that's still a possibility.
    1 point
  29. Looks like a competitive, solid team to me with obvious potential to improve. Mason at reserve should strengthen that area of the team and he should take the pressure off young Kyle and give him time to get up to speed. I always liked Rene as a racer and just hope he can be a little more consistent away from home. Others obviously have different opinions and maybe have 'inside information' but I always thought Rene was a good captain and looked out for the other members of the team. It's good to have Ty back, as he was our team towards the end of the season - he could easily have sulked and asked himself why he was bothering, but he didn't and continued to give his all. Dan is obviously a no brainer, and I can't wait to see him ride each week. It is also good to see Rasmus back, as he showed enough last time round to indicate that he will entertain and I can see him possibly teaming up with Rene. Klindt is one I am not too familiar with and people's comments to date are pretty mixed with some stating he is a gater only. Whilst I am not a fan of gaters who give up when not away first, I think it is always an advantage to have at least one in the team who you can rely on to be quick out of the traps when it really matters. So many thanks to Laura and co. for putting this team together, but mainly for ensuring we have speedway again in 2018. All it needs now is for an injury free season, and for people to get themselves to DP as often and as enthusiastically as they can.
    1 point
  30. Given the general financial position of speedway at present and the further instability the likelyhood of no TV money adds then I would think transfer values are at rock bottom right now
    1 point
  31. So we've signed Luke-Sky Walker, or whatever his name is. This is the National League. What did you expect? Tai Woffinden?
    1 point
  32. If George can build a team now that avoids the Wooden Spoon - he deserves a medal!! However, I for one live in hope because nobody is in a better position than him to produce the very best team we can get behind and support.
    1 point
  33. Rene bach an rasmus Jensen to workington
    1 point
  34. It certainly has sunk, I can remember the day when some clubs closed down because they only attracted a few thousand spectators, I can't understand how the majority of clubs are surviving now. It's probably better off not being on TV, at least we wont be embarrassed by empty stadiums, riders waving to empty terraces, or the crowd squashed into one small corner to make it look full.
    1 point
  35. Be nice to finish the side with a strong number 1, especially with the new tac sub rule.
    1 point
  36. Leicester carried on using the facility for him knowing he wasn't risking further injury and Torun had important matches ahead
    1 point
  37. This was one of my main concerns when Somerset signed Jack ! As you say, he has some growing up to do and needs to level out a bit. In his defence, he is young and over exuberant and needs reining in and put his energy into his performance on track rather than confrontations with management in the pits !!! I suspect Gary May will, well have the measure of young Jacky Boy !!! Chris needs to stop baby sitting his brother and let him find his own way and not compromise his own career into the bargain !!!
    1 point
  38. There will be a feature on Henryk Zyto's 1960 season with Coventry in the spring 2018 issue of the "Classic Speedway" magazine available from Tony McDonalds's Retro Speedway
    1 point
  39. At least you have changed your tack so much that it now makes some sense. The original glib statements. So oft repeated, were just incorrect. Not semantics or opinion.
    1 point
  40. Dunno. I live a pretty dull life! Just want to know!!!!
    1 point
  41. This is not a matter of 'opinion'. What is it with speedway fans who think they can spout things that are factually wrong and hide behind 'opinion'. Nothing bad about being wrong, you simply hold your hand up, learn and move on. What really makes folk look foolish is when they are shown to be wrong and continue to trot out the 'opinion' line.. generally then followed by abuse. In this case, you've completely changed your argument. It is your opinion that the current regulations do more harm than good. That is fair enough, it is an opinion. Whether that opinion has any weight behind it would be determined by WHY you think they do more harm than good.. but an opinion nonetheless. However, your initial statement was something very different when you stated that many rules contradicted each other. It is nothing to do with an argument about semantics, you were asked to name ONE rule (bearing in mind you said there were many) and have failed to do so. Now, even more bizarrely you seem to be claiming you are speaking a different language to the rest of us and have your own definition of what contradiction means?
    1 point
  42. Won't the majority of university students go home over the summer, therefore missing a large part of the season? Difficult to generate loyalty towards a team when you miss half the meetings.
    1 point
  43. The football club moved because the owners wanted to bankrupt ACL (half council owned) and get it for nothing but returned before Wasps bought it.
    1 point
  44. This implication of specific race nights was required years back, when most top the riders riding here, they were all chanting the advantages that would have been gained. but as like everything else it fell on deaf ears..... Now when most of these top riders have turned their backs on us the BSPA have the wisdom to now include it. But this wasn't done to encourage some of those top riders back , it was arranged for the total benefit of the remaining riders getting 2 pay-packets... I now question the need of fixed race nights, I'm sure, had we had one league, where 6man teams competed against each other , on a night that suited each team best , we would have far firmer footing than we have at present. As much as the thought of Niels returning to Lynn thrills me , our sport at present cant afford these mega stars. The sooner everybody realise it, we will be able to change the structure to substantiate our existence. Until then the sport will continually being govern by certain clubs and their own agendas..... and look where that has got us.....
    1 point
  45. They should have scrapped doubling up and used Young British talent ,let these money grabbing riders solve their own problems.Its still a mess IMO .
    1 point
  46. They only get prize money ,but stock drivers don’t believe the sport owes them a living , speedway riders do , it’s ok for the top guys but these days get a licence and string 4 laps together and suddenly you think your a proffessional , that may sound harsh but as far as finances go that is why soeedway is all but bankrupt
    1 point
  47. Maybe she's accustomed to very small portions since being with you ....
    1 point
  48. Sorry if someone has mentioned this before but I haven't read the whole thread. I think that a sign that things are radically wrong with the sport is when James Sarjeant (and I mean this with no disrespect to him whatsoever), has a poor season to say the least in 2017 and sees his average drop drastically. His reward for this is team places in two leagues in 2018. Joe Jacobs has a great 2016 and increases his average beyond all expectations. His punishment for this is to be frozen out of the start of the 2017 season and have to wait for someone to get injured and face the possibility of having to do the same in 2018. Surely this can't be right.
    1 point
  49. so , the fat lad comes tonight . stay safe and enjoy the time over Christmas. wishing ALL my friends great time , dont do any stupid stuff and look forward to your team doing well in 2018 . ( one of my favourite sites ) inc glasgow. sheffield , redcar, edinbra and of course wucky. merry xmas EVERYONE !
    1 point
  50. Manchester is in the North West, otherwise i agree with your points...
    1 point
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