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They only get prize money ,but stock drivers don’t believe the sport owes them a living , speedway riders do , it’s ok for the top guys but these days get a licence and string 4 laps together and suddenly you think your a proffessional , that may sound harsh but as far as finances go that is why soeedway is all but bankrupt4 points
This is an example of a post on another topic , stockcars know what they are and are not trying to be something else , they know their fan base and know what they want , speedway doesn’t know what it is or even remember what it was but it’s trying to be a poor mans F1 and it will never be that and it’s stuck in the middle with no idea who it’s fan base is4 points
What do you expect when you’ve got a troll updating the posts? Probably forgot what login details are needed.....3 points
Holders a t0sser, wouldn't want him. KK enjoyed riding a properly prepared track, riding with good blokes & under a management that like to build a good spirit. Couldn't fault his attitude at all at the end of last season & should be a no brainer to claim the last spot on his average.3 points
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Been offline for a few weeks while moving house etc , what the hell happened to the forum ? it's all weird looking3 points
So why did you moan so much when Woffinden returned to Wolves when he got his average from riding in this league. You puzzle me Steve because you will always seem to think it's alright for Poole to sign riders on these sort of averages,but as soon as any other team want to do it it becomes unfair3 points
All 3. If you don't entertain people don't come. Very few tracks can't run if the people don't come. Older riders should not be discriminated against but should be used to help the younger ones. The points limit could have been higher.3 points
So yet again Steve is proved to post the wrong information as clearly you would know the truth. Yet again when the clowns had a chance to clear up all these averages they failed miserably. Swindon should never have been able to sign Tobias on the average they got him on last season & he was massive in helping us win the league. The same thing will happen with Kacper at Poole. They really couldn’t decide a fair way at their AGM if their life’s depending on it.3 points
Erik Riss is ready to be a 'real' no1 Mark Riss and Andersson will both be big improvers and Pickering will add a bit too Edinburgh wont be too far away and will certainly be competitive2 points
i know you wont agree but there is a difference between woffinden and hancock one is american who dont have to ride here but woffinden british who really should be a little more loyal .jmo2 points
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Don' blame us dinosaurs who are almost the only ones left. We've been handing over our earned cash for 40 -50 -60 years. And now dying or walking away. Blame the sport itself , or how it has been allowed to become all too often BORING. New younger fans will not settle for 1 minute of four lap racing, that may not even be exciting - every 10 minutes or so. They won't hang around - those newbies and they might get two or three close races, if they are lucky.Poor spectacle and poor VFM.2 points
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Re statement from Gambo above.. Even, as a Wolves supporter I wanted to win the lottery and build a speedway track next to the home of the chairman of Barrets that stuffed Cradley.. Looks like Monaco needs a speedway track also! My father used a quote that made me think.... Who is the biggest thief... He who steals the goose from the common, or, he who steals the common from the goose? Thankfully the honey from the Bee always stays alive - get the track back. Keep fighting.2 points
Merry Christmas to all my fellow Robins fans and indeed all fans from other clubs, even Poole!!!!2 points
Having looked on You Tube a number of oval circuits that host banger racing/four wheeled racing some of which do not host speedway, is it any wonder that those promoters/owners do not host speedway or consider speedway secondary income and not worth the hassle given the regime that runs speedway. Simply take two examples of Ipswich and Kings Lynn and look at the numbers that appear to be on the terraces and turn up to watch Banger racing. If only similar numbers turned up for our beloved two wheeled sport. Perhaps those who have some control could learn a thing or two. If the entertainment value is offered and it is properly promoted then just maybe speedeay might see a revival. Until someone is brave enough to get to grips with what is wrong on the promotional front and recognise it for what it is, four riders, four laps and simple points scoring, cut the crap with highly tuned bikes and rules that make it laughing stock, let us see racers with skill and not simply powerful machines that propel the rider, then Speedway will languish as a pastime followed by a decilning and aging fan base. Even Ice speedway appears to get better support if you watch some of the Russian qualifying meetings. Time to wake up and see what is wrong and stop tinkering with the irrelevant. Speedway deserves better.1 point
the thing here is people seem to forget that a entertaining team can get away with some poor results and most of the time the fans will only see them at home which most of the time edinburgh can make good teams look mediocre1 point
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Each to their own, of course, footie & rugby do nothing for me other than assessing whether a stadium could also stage speedway. Once went to Coventry, Brandon for a speedway nite wih a couple of stock car fans, who when turning into the car park about an hour befiore the start, both said almost in unision "oh no, it must be off already". It wasn't off, they were just used to seeing the car park beng full to busting. And Brandon has a more than decently-sized car park....1 point
The Faringdon raceway was a dirt track, with a speedway track inside for training. The speedway track was maintained by parents and friends of the riders. Troy Smith, Martin Chessell and the Knappmans learnt there amongst others, Rosco had a few skids as well.1 point
They have Andersson as a second string who will probably be second heatleader come May. i dont think its a bad team, Wells and Riss is a decent top two as well.1 point
I think various Oxford promoters approached the chap at Standlake over the years. It would have made a fantastic venue as the site is large and is in a natural bowl. However, I think the reservation was that there are a few houses next to the arena and the village of Standlake less than a mile away, so the owner didn't want to jeopardise his weekly banger racing by introducing speedway. On top of that would have been the logistical challenge of persuading Oxford fans to travel the 40-odd minutes to West Oxfordshire. Could have had some interesting celebrity fans though, as Dave Cameron was the local MP!1 point
im no edinburgh fan by a long way but i fully understand that a below average looking side can turn out to be a title winning team boosted by the confidence they gain with the track advantage id never underestimate edinburgh as a team and i certainly wouldnt underestimate the 2 riss brothers from what i saw last year and also know ricky wells is usually a reliable rider1 point
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Being an Ipswich fan i have nothing against Edinburgh but that truly looks the worst side from Edinburgh ive seen for a long time. A number 1 has left to be replaced by.....................nobody. Wells and Riss as number one and 2 and the third heat leader is Mark Riss who spent some of last season at reserve. Pickering is ok then another newbie at second string. Looks a season of struggle to me though i may be wrong. But put this 1-7 up against Ipswich, Glasgow and Scunthorpe and its not even close1 point
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I've got no problem with any of Poole signings' providing they have accurate averages, as the same as everyone else, but please don't insult our integrity with your one sided comments. To put a finer comparison on Woryna's ability he is of similar class to that of Lambert, whom he has beaten more times when they have met... So this is not a gamble , more like a backhanded gift from all the other blinded Promoters...1 point
I was there that day and Nielsen went into the third bend pretty much mid track which gave Tony the chance to move out wide and then coming out of the 4th bend able to swoop up the inside as Hans was basically just lost in mid track. Hans in my mind played it safe round turns 3 and 4 and left himself open to a move like Rickardsson made. Nothing against Hans at all just feel in that race he didnt ride the race properly1 point
We moan about all the fans leaving, and the sustainability of the sport, but this one rule highlights all the problems that are ingrained within the sport. Everyman and his dog knows that Woryna is a quality rider and his 4.65 is outdated insult of his ability, yet the powers do nothing about it. This sport will never be taken seriously, until them who govern, make rules equal and fair. NB... Why don't they put all the ringers in one team, to drive all the fans away once and for all.............1 point
If he knows the rules and can motivate the riders and get them going does it really matter what league he has managed?1 point
Until speedway overcomes the problem of staging meetings in wet weather, the fans will never come. There are far too many reasons for riders not wanting to race. How can you market the sport as 'high risk" when the bikes are put away if the sun is too bright!1 point
Surely they know who their fan base is Dean? SCB has told us enough on here. Old people sitting in a fold up chair, eating cucumber sandwiches and drinking tea from their flask, complete In my case with a dog or two asleep on a blanket. Sorted ~ pander to them.1 point
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Great news. I said it would be a fairy tale if it happened. Good for Debbie, Garry and attendances.1 point
I think that's a possibility, and I do feel robbed by this. It's like when you split up with your girlfriend and you are just about coping with it, but then they start going out with someone else!! Somerset is well out of reach for me, even if I did want to go, but what I always wanted to see was the World Champion riding for Swindon. Not really bothered about seeing him riding for someone else. I've watched Anders Michanek, Hans Nielsen and Per Jonsson enviously over the years and thought that one day, lad, all this could be ours. But it's not.1 point
Think there may be quite a few doing the same....unless Swindon start off well they could lose a number off the gate1 point
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It seems to be a problem in this country in general.British sportsmen always seem to get bad press,criticised for trying to be the best they can.People will always try to find the negatives rather than the positives in those sportsmen. Lambert is doing a decent job for his age,but as usual instead of praising the teenager many people would rather look at the negative side.1 point
This seems to be a convenient bandwagon for people to jump on but as somebody who attends Lynn meetings reasonably regularly I've never seen any evidence of this on a race night, i.e. no strutting around the pits or big ego etc. People will probably point out his mother or the argument he had with a fan during the Poole meeting both of which don't do him much good but I think people go over the top with their criticism and it's almost like people would rather give him a kicking than give him the benefit of the doubt because he is British and has talent. As a teenage sportsman he's not going to get everything right and learns as he goes along but he's not half as bad as people like to make out. You want him to have self belief but there is a fine line between that an arrogance. Generally speaking I think he stays on the right side of that.1 point
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Hilarious it confirms that you say you know this & that when really this only confirms you know as much as the rest of us which is the grand amount of zilcho , zero , hee-haw, diddly squat.1 point
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Christmas Statement from the Save Coventry Speedway group. WE would like to extend our Season’s Greetings to all supporters of Speedway and Stock Car Racing at Coventry. Our thanks to all who have supported the Campaign Group efforts over the course of the year, and also to everyone who helped organise and supported the Challenge matches run in 2017 with Coventry Bees not running as part of the official league structure. It has been the worst year imaginable for everyone with a love for the sports at Brandon; from the shattering news that ‘agreements’ for future racing were not to be fulfilled, to the eventual omission of Coventry from the 2017 Premiership, to the deterioration in condition of the stadium throughout the year arising from the lack of security on-site by the owners. Brandon Estates bought the stadium for their own purposes, but in doing so they have shown zero regard for the 89-year history and heritage of the iconic venue, nor the fact that regular visits to Brandon to watch these family sports remained a way of life for many thousands of people throughout the season, right up until the end of 2016. In addition, the intransigence of the owners to engage in reasonable communication is a further indication of their motives, along with the material included within their official representations and public exhibition material – much of which is open to serious question. At the Exhibition in October, comments from the public were invited by planning consultants Framptons. We have seen a number of these responses, and the local reaction is clear - but as with the 2014 Exhibition arising from the initial plans, they appear to be a closely-guarded secret at this time. The display boards also indicated that an outline planning application would be submitted in Autumn 2017. At the time of writing, this has not taken place. We do not know the reason for that, but we can assure Brandon Estates – and their front-man, Monaco-based businessman John Downer – that as soon as their planning application is submitted, we will be ready with strong opposition. They must understand that they cannot simply take two major sports away from the region – sports which were both perfectly viable running in tandem at the stadium – merely on an outrageous speculative bid for development on land which had not been earmarked for that purpose, and expect everyone to sit back and let it happen. Our Campaign Group came together in its present form in the immediate aftermath of Coventry’s exclusion from the 2017 SGB Premiership, and our primary aim was to bring about a return to racing at the stadium for 2018 as well as establishing plans for the long-term continuation of both sports in the area. In those respects, we have regrettably been unsuccessful. The sheer depth of issues to be considered and resolved arising from the activities of recent years has been eye-opening in the extreme, and we have to respect the fact that the timescales of official business are sometimes longer than we would wish for. We believe there is tremendous momentum behind our campaign and overwhelming opposition to Brandon Estates' proposals. So our work will go on into 2018, and there are various events and hearings in the early part of the New Year which will play a vital part in matters going forward. Finally, we must emphasise to all who pass comment on the situation, often on social media, that the status of Brandon Stadium remains absolutely fundamental to the entire argument, and an acceptance that it has been lost to sport permanently is simply not an option. We wish every supporter of Speedway and Stock Car Racing a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and we hope 2018 provides some encouragement to everyone who wishes to see our two famous sports restored to their rightful place.1 point
I can recommend the 'Memories of Coventry Speedway' DVD if anyone is thinking of getting it. Great value at £16 for 3 DVD's. I have sort of watched part one, with difficulty, and will be watching two and three when Lucy isn't around. What a strange dog she is as she always goes to sleep at meetings yet on TV suddenly finds it really interesting and blocks my view.1 point
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