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Christmas Statement from the Save Coventry Speedway group. WE would like to extend our Season’s Greetings to all supporters of Speedway and Stock Car Racing at Coventry. Our thanks to all who have supported the Campaign Group efforts over the course of the year, and also to everyone who helped organise and supported the Challenge matches run in 2017 with Coventry Bees not running as part of the official league structure. It has been the worst year imaginable for everyone with a love for the sports at Brandon; from the shattering news that ‘agreements’ for future racing were not to be fulfilled, to the eventual omission of Coventry from the 2017 Premiership, to the deterioration in condition of the stadium throughout the year arising from the lack of security on-site by the owners. Brandon Estates bought the stadium for their own purposes, but in doing so they have shown zero regard for the 89-year history and heritage of the iconic venue, nor the fact that regular visits to Brandon to watch these family sports remained a way of life for many thousands of people throughout the season, right up until the end of 2016. In addition, the intransigence of the owners to engage in reasonable communication is a further indication of their motives, along with the material included within their official representations and public exhibition material – much of which is open to serious question. At the Exhibition in October, comments from the public were invited by planning consultants Framptons. We have seen a number of these responses, and the local reaction is clear - but as with the 2014 Exhibition arising from the initial plans, they appear to be a closely-guarded secret at this time. The display boards also indicated that an outline planning application would be submitted in Autumn 2017. At the time of writing, this has not taken place. We do not know the reason for that, but we can assure Brandon Estates – and their front-man, Monaco-based businessman John Downer – that as soon as their planning application is submitted, we will be ready with strong opposition. They must understand that they cannot simply take two major sports away from the region – sports which were both perfectly viable running in tandem at the stadium – merely on an outrageous speculative bid for development on land which had not been earmarked for that purpose, and expect everyone to sit back and let it happen. Our Campaign Group came together in its present form in the immediate aftermath of Coventry’s exclusion from the 2017 SGB Premiership, and our primary aim was to bring about a return to racing at the stadium for 2018 as well as establishing plans for the long-term continuation of both sports in the area. In those respects, we have regrettably been unsuccessful. The sheer depth of issues to be considered and resolved arising from the activities of recent years has been eye-opening in the extreme, and we have to respect the fact that the timescales of official business are sometimes longer than we would wish for. We believe there is tremendous momentum behind our campaign and overwhelming opposition to Brandon Estates' proposals. So our work will go on into 2018, and there are various events and hearings in the early part of the New Year which will play a vital part in matters going forward. Finally, we must emphasise to all who pass comment on the situation, often on social media, that the status of Brandon Stadium remains absolutely fundamental to the entire argument, and an acceptance that it has been lost to sport permanently is simply not an option. We wish every supporter of Speedway and Stock Car Racing a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and we hope 2018 provides some encouragement to everyone who wishes to see our two famous sports restored to their rightful place.8 points
This means absolutely jack! A few years ago, Swindon were looking to use Miedzinski and he went to Poole. Swindon demanded that this was a full transfer and Poole said no - a loan only. It went to arbitration and on loan he went - turning a valuable asset on a really low average into a worthless asset on a much higher average. So Poole can demand a fee but the precedence has been set and the boot is on the other foot now!8 points
In the New Year, 'Arena Cross' hits Manchester... Indoor Motocross.. I would urge any Speedway Promoters who can do, to attend... I went three years ago with my lad and so much of the total evening 'entertainment package' on view could easily be translated over to Speedway.. From an autograph, selfie opportuniy meet and greet with the riders, completed 60 mins before racing so plenty of time to browse the merchandice stalls and get a drink and food.. . (Each rider had his own posters and photos for sale too). Riders coming out in darkness doing a lap of honour under a spot light. Could tracks do something similar to create atmosphere?. A 'centre green' announcer who was loud (he had to be over the bikes and music), brash (well, the Promoters were American!) and informative, detailing background information about each individual rider and commentating on the action as it happened. (That last bit maybe not needed in Speedway?).. Before racing and during gaps in between for track maintenance, (all tractors were working by the way), their Promotion team fired their own T Shirts into the crowd via an 'pump action air gun'... Many were, it appeared, Small and Medium meaning many adults caught them as you would expect but many of the kids ended up with the T Shirt.. (My lad got one from someone five rows back who passed it on when he saw it was an 'S').... There were no gaps where 'nothing happened' between races, so the crowd was kept interested.. The interval took place half way during the evenings racing and was 30 minutes prompt.. Before the interval they told us about the 'mini moto' they had suspended from the ceiling. Just text your name to etc etc and you could be taking this bike home. Texts cost £5... There was a 7500 full house and I would suggest well over half of 'the dads' were texting away during that interval. That bike certainly paid for itself and more! (Certainly I contributed a tenner towards it)! Now maybe Speedway couldn't do the same but they could do something around winning Season Tickets, VIP evenings etc.. The winner was announced prior to the Final and came down and received his bike... The cost for me and my lad was over £70 but I am going again next time as it was fantastic value for money... How did I know they were coming back to Manchester? I got an email from them in October telling me so with a nice book early 15% saving... Three years they have had my email address and now have used it knowing I had previously attended. My own Speedway team still doesn't have my email address... How did it advertise itself? Lots of Social Media and it played on how "awesome" (as I said they are Yanks!) it must be to watch 'dirt bike racing' in the middle of a City Centre.. And let's be honest as a concept it is 'pretty unique' isn't it? Apart from obviously it already happens many nights of the week around the Country from March to October..!! It was a 'one off' so you could argue that it is 'different' from Speedway, however maybe if Speedway promoted EVERY meeting as if it was a 'one off' they would be delivering many, many more through their turnstiles.. Watching 'dirt bike racing' in a City Centre is "awesome" don't forget, so says the guys who play to full houses and make money out of doing so... NB: No mention of it being a 'family sport' but plenty about 'speed', 'danger' and being 'gnarly'! (Whatever that means....) In fact the only downside to the night was that I, as a 47 year old at the time, felt 'very old' when I looked around the rest of the crowd.. At Speedway, at least I still feel like a 'spring chicken'!!5 points
To be fair, Neil, you are a regular and, in my opinion, much valued poster. Dale, Laurence and Gordon comment very rarely and Tsunami is a former promoter with no official position, although I know that he makes a huge difference to Newcastle and his perspective as a former promoter is often sobering. The point stands : there are 28 clubs in British Speedway and the overwhelming majority of clubs make absolutely no contribution here whatsoever, despite the fact that it is easily the biggest online speedway forum in this country. My view of the way the BSF is viewed also stands, and it is indicative of how the sport treats its fans that so few of those running teams seek to engage on here in the way that you do and Barry has. You often do not get the credit you deserve, but the number of likes that Barry has attracted shows just how much members appreciate someone coming on and telling us how it is. I believe there is a recognition by most members of this forum that information can be confidential and cannot be disclosed publicly. That does not prevent explanations being given on many, many other matters that concern the individual speedway fan.4 points
at school we used to chant ' i know something you don't know' to annoy the other kids. I've grown out of it now unlike some3 points
The only way the rule should be changed is if all Championship clubs vote to amend it, if only one opposes it then it should not be changed, imo. My reasoning for this is that majority of clubs have built their teams based on rules which were agreed (whether the rule is good/bad is irrelevant) and if it is changed now it potentially puts some clubs at a disadvantage, as they may have had thoughts on who to use previously, but were not allowed - and puts others clubs at an advantage of giving them riders available who weren't previously. It is almost like deciding halfway through season to change points to 5 for a win away from home, but saying to the 4 clubs who have ridden more away matches, tough you've missed out!! As I said if all clubs are happy with this, then fine - but it shouldn't be a majority vote to win it needs to be unanimous.3 points
we have a National Stadium for such events - neutral, central and good racing3 points
Can only ditto that. Am hoping for a full recovery and improved health for him in 2018 and onwards.3 points
Course I do, I’ve known for ages where he was riding, nothing like causing abit of drama though2 points
2 points
A MESSAGE FROM ADRIAN SMITH As we are all about to start the festive period, on behalf of all the team at Belle Vue Speedway 2017 Ltd I would like to wish all our supporters a Wonderful Christmas and a very Happy and Successful New Year. Since the end of our first season, we have been reviewing all aspects of the supporters experience and have been working on plans to improve that experience in 2018 and beyond. 2018 will be a season to look forward to as we celebrate the 90th year of speedway running at Belle Vue in Manchester. We are looking forward to providing further details of our plans in the New Year. We will also announce details of the 2018 prices and how you can buy season tickets in January. Most importantly, our Director of Speedway Mark Lemon has been working on the team plans for the Belle Vue Aces and has supported our Colts team managers, Graham and Steve with the team building for the Belle Vue Colts. Keep a look out in January as we make some very exciting team announcements In the meantime, some dates for the diary: 90th Anniversary Meeting - Saturday 24th March. Details to follow Fans Forum - Wednesday 21st February. Further details on how to obtain free tickets for this event will be provided in the new year. An event with Tatum & Pearson – Wednesday 7th February. Tickets £10 and are available via www.sportstalkevents.co.uk The Speedway office is now closed until the 2nd January 2018 Once again, have a great Christmas and Happy New Year All the best Adrian2 points
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His avatar shows where his brains are. Let's hope you're still laughing when you're thrashed again next season. It doesn't look as though you will have much to smile about next season. Merry Christmas!2 points
In my opinion speedway is a perfect sport to use statistics to generate extra interest/something to talk about/ listen to on tv. Team make up is decided by statistics so why not include more? Programmes/club websites could include much more in match previews. E.g Lindgren vs Doyle head to head results this season home and away, heat 15 performances overall and head to head. It’s something else for supporters to talk about in the time between each race, can be highlighted by centre green presenters to build tension and atmosphere - much better that than crap music from the 70s and 80s. It’s not about carrying around a log book to record every little thing at a meeting that your traditional statto may have done, it’s about trying to give supporters more - if they’re talking about something to do with the match, they won’t be moaning about the length of time between heats etc.2 points
I agree. Adrian Smith makes much the same point in the Speedway Star this week.2 points
With fairly limited opportunities for experience, two silver medals and a fourth place in six World Final appearances was a fine achievement Looking back, in some ways he was Gollobesque on track - in the days when Fundin, Briggs, Knutsson, etc were at their peak he stands up well to comparison I'm very grateful to have seen him at the top of his game2 points
2 points
No I'm not utterly wrong....its my opinion. Believe it or not I'm allowed one.2 points
Indeed. If his 2016 PL average of 4.23 is no longer valid then surely his converted 2017 CL average of 3.20 (4.15/1.3) should apply.2 points
Promoters wasted the vast majority of it on riders, who in turn spent it on super-fast equipment and engine tuners.2 points
Really? Let's not forget JPB put a prominent posting on facebook a good few weeks ago with words to the effect of "I'm not ruling out wanting to go back to Birmingham, but I'm just wondering if any other NL clubs out there want to make me an offer". And apparently he's contacted several other clubs asking if they want to make him a better offer than Brum. Perhaps that's annoyed the Masons and led them to believe he'd be better off elsewhere?2 points
we ? thought you didn't go anymore as you hated everything to do with the club as yet about the only negative post on here what a surprise please just get over it.2 points
2 points
Jason Edwards has more growth in him than Kemp, both are going too be very good riders and yes haven't seen anyone get a set up right for a track as quick as Kemp did other than Dan Bewley. But you have too remember Jason had not ridden competitively on a 500cc bike until he came in to the league. Which Kemp did have in the youth Championships. But everyone talks about those two as the two expected best 3 pointers which surprises me as Leon Flint will be just as good even better than both of them.2 points
2 points
Williamson is a shrewd signing, get him dialled in at home and his average will only go one way.2 points
you do have a point, but IMO 2 stand out reserves who are both young and hungry, barring bad injury will deffo make it big in the sport are Dan Bewley and Zach Wajtknecht, another who will be big in the sport and hasn't ridden in the Prem yet is 15 year old Kyle Bickley.2 points
They would only have to be lowered by a pound to be in line with most championship clubs2 points
I also would like to wish CVS a speedy recovery, I know he sometimes gets some criticism as all Promoters do, but is recorded at Wolves is nothing short of miraculous, you never hear a rider complaining about not being payed on time, or Track preparation, I would go so far as to say it’s the most Professional run club in Britain2 points
Some great posts on here, I remember seeing some people who were at a golf tournament for the first time and wanted to know all the rules ..when I told about the two length club l rule when you take a drop they just laughed and left the course saying they would. never come back .2 points
Thanks ray and I m sure that all Forum fans will join me in wishing him as full and speedy a recovery as possible.2 points
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I love my yearbooks - just to read through not even for reference! And there is do much that could be done, particularly now we can get instant access via the internet.1 point
wouldnt be surprised if the on track racing between matt and mason had something to do with it1 point
1 point
just shows you what a hypocrite MF is... like above, it was good then it still stands now. oh yeah, we forgot, it's Poole..1 point
WITH respect, Phil , you are playing both poacher and gamekeeper.... Maybe the FIM did jump the gun, through Armando Castagna....The thing is, the "Speedway Star", of which you are managing editor, published that story / interview with Armando ! You cant have it both ways ! You are course absolutely 100% correct when you state "SOIMETHING I learned in my profession decades ago is that if someone tells you something in confidence you do not betray that. If you do, a second chance is rarely forthcoming." SO....Dont say anything ! Dont tease, dripfeed, or anything like that, just stay quiet until the full facts are in the public domain ! Now, i realise that may not suit the journalist within you, but, as I said, you cant have it both ways !1 point
I like that foamfence Briggo in front of Ove !!!! i have been filling out a few programmes from the 50s and Ove see off Briggo quite alot the 60s was alot closer.1 point
How come Max Clegg is a 2 point rider when he left Wolves after the third set of greensheet averages this season on 4.23?1 point
I definitely think that Jenkins is the better rider. His brilliant heat 12 pass of both home riders at Isle of Wight was one of the best moves I saw all season in the NL. Interesting competition between Kemp and Dugard ? This is the same Dugard that got sacked twice last season, isn't it ? Do I need to remind you of the comments his father and brother made about him at the beginning of 2017 ? Much better than his average and just about everyone refers to his attitude. But how many chances does he get to prove himself ? We'll see about Kinsley and Powell. I must admit I haven't seen Brookes but I have seen Marson. There's a good reason why desperate attempts were made to increase his average to a 5.00 last season. I saw Kemp and Edwards ride at the NSS last season, a track that really sorts out the men from the boys. Kemp scored 9 for Eastbourne in the NL Grand Final and was the reason they weren't beaten out of sight. He scored 8 for Mildenhall in the KO Cup and his two late wins over Shuttleworth were the reason Mildenhall won the tie. Edwards only ever looked like beating Woodhull and he didn't manage that. Kemp was by far and away the best novice I saw last season who will start on a 3.00 average, and that's probably why Eastbourne tried to sign him.1 point
No single rider is all of a sudden going to turnus from wooden spoon contenders to trophy contenders1 point
I think the poole track does actually produce good racing when it's in good condition....a good track should be the minimum a club should aim for every season.1 point
1 point
Must have been intimidating for the riders having a gigantic dog on the first bend terracing1 point
They spent it on the top riders.... One Promoter told me that the 'Sky Money', "basically paid for his No1".... So the money went on those top riders who for the past 20 years have rode over here whilst, at the same time, clubs have lost thousands from their fan base... Many are indeed the very same top riders some want to see back riding over here regularly to bring back the thousands of fans lost during those past 20 years of them riding over here.. Errrr. Hang on... I think I spot a slight flaw in the cunning plan there...1 point
We speedway people tend to think that, because we like the sport, everyone else should be tripping over themselves to like it. Speedway... only speedway... could whittle away the millions that SKY pumped into the sport for almost two decades and now see nothing for it. The people who run the sport behaved like they were children handed a fiver to spend but had two minutes to spend it before the shop shut. I'd say the sport is in a fragile state right now after those millions were "invested." It's a mess... like Homer Simpson has been in charge, so I don't hold much criticism for any broadcaster that wants to steer clear of what was once upon a time the second favourite sport in the summer... and the Beeb didn't even want to know it then. So fat chance now.1 point
Incidentally, sales at the end of June had reached 22,011 (and still rising).1 point
Have you Bees supporters listened to The TALK SPEEDWAY PODCAST on Twitter where Save Coventry Speedway campaigner Jeff Davies is interviewed for 42 minutes .. Without taking sides this is an absolute brilliant , enlightening & passionate interview .1 point