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  1. Thanks ray and I m sure that all Forum fans will join me in wishing him as full and speedy a recovery as possible.
    9 points
  2. They spent it on the top riders.... One Promoter told me that the 'Sky Money', "basically paid for his No1".... So the money went on those top riders who for the past 20 years have rode over here whilst, at the same time, clubs have lost thousands from their fan base... Many are indeed the very same top riders some want to see back riding over here regularly to bring back the thousands of fans lost during those past 20 years of them riding over here.. Errrr. Hang on... I think I spot a slight flaw in the cunning plan there...
    6 points
  3. Well, unfortunately, Matt himself has set the bar on this one extremely low. In football we had the Bosman ruling. In speedway, its the Miedzinski. The fact Holder is in his plans for 2018 is neither here nor there. if they cant agree terms he is a free agent and the rule of Miedzinski should be enforced.
    5 points
  4. Must have been intimidating for the riders having a gigantic dog on the first bend terracing
    5 points
  5. just stating the situation with other income. too many people these days seem to have digs about the management at Kings Lynn or lack of communication, but if there's no news what's the point of putting out a press release to say there's no news? i'm one to say it as i see it, and sometimes people go well over the top demanding what's not there
    4 points
  6. Mike had is op in Southampton hospital today read on ref twitter feed
    4 points
  7. Perhaps he is the bad guy, riders cannot have all the power. Recently Conte the Chelsea manager didn't play Luiz because he tried to tell him how to run the team, it is how he showed his strength and wasn't going to be told by a player what he needs to do. Maybe Matt Ford doesn't want to be told by Holder how to run his team.
    4 points
  8. Hmmm,a lot of the time it is more like "Four guys turn left two times and come back to where they started in about 5 minutes",which is sadly a big problem.
    3 points
  9. Tough! Most people would get sacked or at least get a warning if they started swearing at their boss. Plus it doesn't send the right message out to the other riders.
    3 points
  10. No way should rules be changed when some teams are complete on the originally agreed basis! Obviously something to do with Poole not being able to get anyone decent.
    3 points
  11. he was the no1 the 1 out the door 1st
    2 points
  12. Well Jack needs to take a reality check himself. Looking at life through a bottle is the major cause of his problems. Just like his elder brother.
    2 points
  13. Trouble is they don’t do transparency and communication either, but n fact I am struggling to suggest anything they do well apart from complete incompetence.
    2 points
  14. Weegies have got a full team already.
    2 points
  15. Keeping a rider who swears at you/doesn't respect you would be really stupid!!
    2 points
  16. I think it's a case of chris had already agreed to race for somerset with jack...as mentioned months ago...Matt has decided he wants to use him., chris has said no matt I'm racing for somerset. Matt throws toys out of pram and says....well they will have to buy you then. Chris says ...whatever matt...do what ya want but I'm not racing for you next year. Matt throws more toys out of pram and says.. Well can we at least make it look like I've tried to sign you in the press..as don't want people thinking I've lost my touch.
    2 points
  17. Couldn’t agree more, Swindon were stiffed in that a few years back. Swindon offered Miedzak a deal & couldn’t agree, joins Poole & a loan is the arrangement, the same rule should be applicable
    2 points
  18. So basically he wants to go to Somerset but Matt Ford is saying he wants to sell not loan.
    2 points
  19. He says it isn't about money then in the next sentence says he needs to sell assets because he is losing 20 cent of turnover due to lack of tv money!
    2 points
  20. Good point. Only Lynn fans could try and find a negative in the potential signing of the WORLD CHAMPION?!? The whole Holder debacle was regrettable, but we shouldn't let the actions of one rider (who was struggling for form) ruin any excitement about future big name signings.
    2 points
  21. I Stand corrected gents 1 Hans Anderson 7.75 2 Jack Holder 5.82 3 Chris Holder 7.16 4 Richard Lawson 6.43 5 Jake Allen 5.07 6 Bradley Wilson-Dean 4.67 7 Michael Palm Toft 5.57 42.47
    2 points
  22. The footage is excellent and it really is a trip down memory lane and being 39 I only remember really from 84/85 season but seeing the history of it was something I really enjoyed and wasn't aware of. We have done 2 dvd's so far and savouring the other for over Christmas. Be a lot of work but maybe one day Pete from clean cut sports can do a best of speedway dvd from his time filming at Coventry, must be some great heats and thrills and spills.
    2 points
  23. Shame MW has moved on ... Campton "super glued to No. 2" and Sergeant playing "how far can I get my average down before I move on" ... destroyed Matt's season last year. At reserve he was doing a grand job ... so we then put him at 4 ... crazy idea. Not enthused so far with our build other than Dan Bewley ... who despite Campton's improvement last year ... DB is already a better rider (using average as a differentiator)
    2 points
  24. Trustworthyness is not the main issue, it's transparency and communication that's the problem although I suppose that it's one and the same thing really. They need to draw a line now and say that the past is the past and that there are no precedents for decisions going forward. Then they have to clearly explain how future decisions are reached so that everone is clear. There are no favours or special dispensation. If the lunatics want to run the asylum, and they cleary do, then they've got to start being competent. Tough ask I know but while we still have some sport left it'd be a good idea!
    2 points
  25. Not disagreeing about paying for a number one, but surely that was a big mistake and shows a sport with no forward-thinking. It's like getting a loan from a shark for Christmas. The money chomping promoters didn't contemplate the sport would have to survive after SKY waltzed off. Like normal life... once Christmas is over the loan has to be paid back for most of the following 12 months. Live within your means. The SKY money paying for the number one didn't warrant a vast crowd upturn on the terrace for that club, but the fans who watched from home on TV got value for their subscription. So SKY was happy I suppose. As for now and trying to persuade back the grabbers hat skinned us, I'd say no no no. Make stars of riders who stayed loyal to the UK. It will be a hard slog at first but a future plan could see a more organised sport in five years' time. But I suppose that's too simple.
    2 points
  26. Probably because he was riding with a broken foot for most of the season. When he was needed to ride in Heat 15 - he was there!
    2 points
  27. What Coventry Speedway needs is a strong and stable promotion. Premiership speedway means Premiership speedway. It is the 'will of the supporters'!!
    2 points
  28. Is that a euphemism?
    2 points
  29. Especially when at least a third of the Championship didn’t go to the AGM
    2 points
  30. Can only ditto that. Am hoping for a full recovery and improved health for him in 2018 and onwards.
    1 point
  31. I’m very happy to see Matt in the team. What I’ve seen of him is that he is a 100% trier and I like that. Welcome Matt
    1 point
  32. In 2010 Pirates came to the Showground with Darcy Ward and Jason Doyle at reserve, how times have changed. Robins will need young Zach to be a big improver if they are to challenge next season imo...
    1 point
  33. why are they gonna release details of our team wouldnt surprise me
    1 point
  34. For the life of me I cant work out this Mitchel Davey signing, in his racing career over here he has been at best a Championship reserve so taking the jump to the Premiership is a jump to far IMO. In fact I see him only as a short term signing before the axe falls.
    1 point
  35. From what i gather from speaking to one of CH's sponsors, he has no intention in riding for Poole again. Has Matt made the call to KK yet!?!? ;-) What average is Bjane on!?! ;-)
    1 point
  36. I thought Poole and Somerset had a very good relationship? I remember Somerset to Poole being the natural progression for riders Matt Ford was interested in back when Somerset were in the second division.
    1 point
  37. Quote from Ben Duffill in the Redcar 2017 team review in todays Speedway Star regarding Jonas. "I can't imagine him not being around at Redcar".
    1 point
  38. What a load of old pony this media stunt is Chris and Jack were never going to be back at Poole, Jack was the childish one so Ford just said fk off, and its been known Chris and Ford don't see eye to eye anymore and had no intentions of signing, so to please the Holder fans that have posters of him on there bedroom walls Matt has put some spin on it and media have published it.
    1 point
  39. If chris and jack hadn't already agreed to race for somerset..how did some of us know where they would go??? Maybe matt had agreed to let chris go to somerset...then the one over 8 rule was brought in..changing matt plans completely
    1 point
  40. What it also did was raise the salaries of the riders lower down 'the food chain'... If your No1 is getting £3k a night then your 2nd and 3rd Heat Leaders will be expecting something not a million miles off as there may be only a couple or three points average between them. You then have the second strings maybe a point or two behind the third heat leader with their enhanced expectations... Add on a massively in demand '4pt Superstar' No6 on a 'gift average' who will get a lot more than the usual reserve pay and there's no wonder very few clubs make it pay... Suppose the 2pt No7 gets what's left!!? Maybe the 'Sky Money' is how so many (no disrespect intended) 'middle order journeymen' have become full professionals over the years? In a Sport that cannot afford so many full time Pros... To be fair to them though, if I was half as good as the best 'player' in my team, who had a nine point average and got £3k a night to deliver it, I'd want around £1500 a night minimum for my 4.5..!
    1 point
  41. Think MANSE needs to go have a Word with who was giving him his information.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. could try starting off with 'stickle bricks'.
    1 point
  44. Surely the answer is to have rules and them stick to them for several years. Constant tinkering and change has cock up and self interest written all over it. Same old crap about a positive meeting to take speedway forward before the realisation of the detail sinks in and the arguments start for the next few months.
    1 point
  45. If only they did. Testing something new to its limits and finding any faults before bringing it into service. Never mind the long history of disastrous decisions that weren't thought through they've managed to do the same this year with the only one over 8, that only applies in the PL so a CL team could have a stronger heat leader trio than a PL team, the reassessment of GP riders who didn't race here in 2017 but not other riders who didn't and the abandonment of the 2 British riders rule. They did introduce fixed nights, Swindon excepted, but cancelled out one of the major advantages by reassessing those GP riders.
    1 point
  46. I must talk to him about that.... as there is a limit ha ha ha ha ha ha... joking.. thats great to hear.
    1 point
  47. We speedway people tend to think that, because we like the sport, everyone else should be tripping over themselves to like it. Speedway... only speedway... could whittle away the millions that SKY pumped into the sport for almost two decades and now see nothing for it. The people who run the sport behaved like they were children handed a fiver to spend but had two minutes to spend it before the shop shut. I'd say the sport is in a fragile state right now after those millions were "invested." It's a mess... like Homer Simpson has been in charge, so I don't hold much criticism for any broadcaster that wants to steer clear of what was once upon a time the second favourite sport in the summer... and the Beeb didn't even want to know it then. So fat chance now.
    1 point
  48. Unfortunately the inclement weather has delayed any progress these last 5 years.
    1 point
  49. How about 7.65 T Aarnio 5.02 L Rose. 6.49 S Robson 7.02 L Lindgren 7.21 A Morris. 4.88 T Pijper. 4.23 means we would always have decent reserves.
    1 point
  50. Up to this season neither could double down, the situation was lapsed for just this season. Chris (and others) took advantage and established themselves a Championship average, Scott didn't, even though it's rumoured that a club actually offered him a place. Personally I think British riders should be allowed to double up, whatever their average but I'd stop overseas riders being given that privilege.
    1 point
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