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  1. Thanks to the responders who helped with our travel plans. This was our first time at Cardiff. What an incredible experience! Us adults really enjoyed - my 8 year old loved the immersiveness. He was sure the louder he shouted, the faster bewley, lambert & brennan were going. There were many empty seats but that didn't stop the crowd. Fantastic atmosphere. We are the described "new fans" - my Dad took us to watch in Glasgow when he could lay his hand on free tickets (there was 4 of us kids, so I'll give him a pass 😆). We, all 20's and 30's now, have a rekindled love for the sport, with my 8 year old. It's a shame to see so much negativity- there are new supporters coming into the sport: most younger folk are simply unaware that is in existence. Word of mouth is incredible - I've not known anyone I've recommended to attend - even at that much lower championship level - to not enjoy it and have a fantastic night and either want to or actively go back. The amount of "gatekeeping" by older fans is laughable - not all, of course, but those "diehards", my best example being that I still can't comment on our local teams fan page! - these need to be verified and have waited for 1+ year! Please, be more accommodating of us newbies! I certainly hope Cardiff goes again next year. I'll be one of the first in line for tickets and will be recommending to many others - may even put on a bus (we also had no response to the glasgow one, despite it being broadcasted of availability on here..). Very open to all of your knowledge and experience. Welcoming of suggestions for tracks to visit, and other GPs for us to plan around our holidays next year!
    15 points
  2. You don't need to be experienced to look at a monitor, (several times), see Max Fricke lift and wipe out an opponent, and then exclude him... Nor need to be experienced to see the same thing happen in two races, and make the same decision on the second occasion that you made previously... It is glaring you in the face in slow motion several times... I am truly amazed that anyone could make so many, not even close decisions, so poorly... Especially given you get the chance to watch them back as many times as you need to...
    12 points
  3. Sitting on your sofa with your hand in a bag of Doritos for the last 20 years is what has brought you to this conclusion. The man has just been brutalised against the fence/track and trapped under both bikes involved in the incident. His priority is himself and to leave the other rider for the medical professionals.
    12 points
  4. Seems like the arrogance of J.Holder is rubbing off on their fans too.Win graciously that would be a better and bigger way.
    11 points
  5. They said at Oxford nobody wants to watch follow the leader speedway... and then proceed to show 15 heats of follow the leader speedway from Poole
    10 points
  6. Zmarzlik absolute legend good meeting Made better by Jack Holder finishing last
    10 points
  7. About 30 passengers. U never been on a train before? Uneducated. The Gift
    10 points
  8. My thoughts are... Sheffield are currently top and should be playing 4th place Ipswich in the pay off semi-finals 😕
    10 points
  9. Ridiculously cheap. £20 to watch the worlds best riders in a world class stadium with a roof. Plus a fanzone, plus fireworks. Yet the armchair viewers want to move it to Belle Vue, which they also won't attend because of the ticket prices/hotel prices/weather.
    10 points
  10. But that makes no sense, they would've just called it off at 5pm if that was the case. Calling it off at start time is the refs decision not the home promotions
    9 points
  11. Seems to be a lot of angry people on here. It’s only speedway, not life and death. Riders get injured - some over egg it, others perhaps ride when they shouldn’t, it’s always been the way of the world. Some people like watching fast racing which may compromise the ability to overtake, others like watching technical racing and waiting for an error to make the opportunity to pass, each to their own. Don’t think there is any dispute that racing at Owlerton is not as good as it used to be, think it is down to the engines rather than the track, but there is still some cracking racing. Some meetings are better than others - last night maybe wasn’t brilliant, but BV not making a fight of it until Bewley got his bike working after the battle was lost didn’t help. I for one don’t think meetings ever look as good or as exciting in TV as they do in real life and Sheffield probably suffers from that more than most because you can’t get a feel for the speed which (to me) is part of the sport.
    9 points
  12. Just going to put this out there for some context regarding Danny King Firstly he is 38 he isn’t going to get better so those of you expecting that are clueless We went very strong top two and signed the best 2 reserves in the league…. This meant the middle order would be weaker … we signed Rew back and then 2 guys who would provide middle order stability in Ellis and King…. Danny had the slightly higher average so rode at number 3…. A position he held until we lost Doyle which meant he got moved to 5 and he isn’t a number 5 Nobody started moaning about him until after we lost Emil … some fans thinking he should get double figures every week…. He was never signed to do that He has rode the season with a terrible hand injury and now a foot injury He has had some good meetings and some awful ones but he is not the rider he was He may well leave and i think he should but the abuse he has been getting is uncalled for
    8 points
  13. Great attitude to have is that. If people stay away because of that, then they’re not true fans. Support the team through the good and the bad, just be thankful we’ve got speedway back at Workington.
    8 points
  14. The Twitter editor is on form today, obviously didn't think much of yesterdays action judging by his comments in their tweet...
    8 points
  15. If Ipswich can’t win it then I don’t mind who out of Belle Vue or Leicester do Sorry no time for Sheffield as the way some of their fans behave … they did it at the play off final second leg and again when they won at Foxhall last month … just not a nice fan base … plus they have Jack Holder lol
    8 points
  16. STATEMENT FROM BRITISH SPEEDWAY PROMOTERS LTD We would like to clear up a misunderstanding amongst Speedway supporters regarding the appointment of Phil Morris to oversee the Premier League and its play-offs. When we appointed Phil Morris "to fix" British Speedway, it seems that some fans have stupidly misunderstood our use of the verb "to fix" These imbecile fans thought we were using the verb "to fix" in the sense of "to repair; mend; to put in order or in good condition". (e.g. the plumber fixed the leaky toilet) The BSPL would like to clarify that we were of course using the verb "to fix" in the sense of "to arrange or influence the outcome or action of, especially privately or dishonestly" (e.g. Vladimir Putin fixed the American election). It is clear to anyone with half a brain that we never intended for Phil Morris to repair, mend, or put the sport in good order. We hope that fans will now fully understand that Phil Morris has indeed successfully fixed the Premiership. Meanwhile the BSPL toilet is still leaking.
    8 points
  17. Because its not down to the 4 teams agreeing (or shouldn't be) it is what is set in the regulations that counts
    8 points
  18. The sport is still as Mickey Mouse as it ever was.. Maybe even more with the bans/not bans/bans/not bans... Riders riding in semi finals for one team, and the final for another, still exists, just like last year.. Even Czech league meetings now take priority due to giving up Thursdays as a priority night.. What a great idea that has turned out to be!? "You can use our riders if you let us have priority on Thursdays".. And then the riders don't turn up!!! With the whole shebang being built around the agenda of the riders not the agenda of the paying spectator. "We open very infrequently due to having to wait for our employees to tell us when they can work" (Not a great business plan is it?).. The honest news no one seems to want to hear is that UK Speedway, in its current team format, and using it's ludicrous operating model, simply cannot work. As it single handedly fails to engage enough people to believe that the product is a genuine sporting competition, that provides any real kudos in winning... There is fundamentally zero point investing emotionally into a team sport when it is nothing more than a random, ad-hoc collection of riders, who will invariably be a different set of riders "representing you" the next time you set foot in the stadium.. What the sport needs is a root and branch review, overhaul and reset. With a well planned and marketed major relaunch .. Just like they should have done during the COVID break.. Phil Morris alone cannot sort out the amount of nonsense that pervades..
    8 points
  19. Is Diane Abbot doing the scores.
    8 points
  20. Well that was a fantastic evening at Cardiff, great atmosphere, great racing and tension with a Brit 1-2 and no holder or Zmarlik in the final. Added to being on a great city we really enjoyed it. Getting our tickets for 2025 very soon.
    8 points
  21. Not bad from the 'throttle jockey' Bewley who people say can only do it in Poland and NSS Belle Vue. Twice won on the small track at Cardiff.
    8 points
  22. I’d be embarrassed to win a meeting that way. Let’s hope Turnball retires this season. She’s clearly lost it.
    7 points
  23. Anyway back to the meeting . After watching Zmarslik heave and elbow another rider into the fence on Saturday night , and as usual get away with it . It was a joy watching Harris and Masters give each other room to race and thrill the crowd with amazing four laps of speedway in heats 13 and 15 .
    7 points
  24. C’mon Mods, why the need for this rank progress? It’s not a competition on how many times people post. I rarely do now as sensible posts can often lead to insulting confrontation by the usual suspects. You can view the sign ins and reads. You’re just opening it up to Trackprats. There are many good posters on this forum, focus on weeding out the planks.
    7 points
  25. How about Poole running an NDL team in 2025? Or will they continue their policy of plucking young riders from the NDL whenever it suits them, despite making no contribution to the league themselves, effectively sponging off the efforts of others?
    7 points
  26. Well done to Poole on the aggregate win. The engine room of that team is fantastic. What a meeting of speedway today. Heat 15 probably the best I’ve seen all season. If you stayed away because of the deficit, then I’m glad you missed a cracker and hope you have learnt your lesson 😌
    7 points
  27. Should support the comets win lose or draw, if more people are like you, and it's a poor crowd, for a top class opposition, what do the promotion think, if the crowd is down, especially when they will have an eye on 2025 season. UTC
    7 points
  28. Nail on the head, all my friends hate Sheffield because they say it’s boring but I quite enjoy the racing there and seeing the sheer speed they generate. Even when it’s a strung out race. Same at belle Vue. we all wish for 15 heats of incredible speedway but You will never get that. If you get 5 good races out of 15 you’ve done well these days.
    7 points
  29. There isn't any, end of topic.
    7 points
  30. I'm not usually too critical of the TV coverage but last night, those first few heats especially, tipped me over the edge. It was horrendous and an embarrassment to the sport, you can only hope that nobody was watching for the first time. Track was a farce at the start, it soon became rideable but the entertainment on show was non-existent. Music sounded like it hasn't been changed since the Victorian era. Mechanic in the pits wearing a Redcar Bears shirt, branded attire is a great idea but to be wearing another club's shirt just looks so tinpot. Stuff like that may not be a massive issue alone but it all adds up to make the product seem amateurish. And then the coverage itself from Eurosport. Aside from the usual poor camerawork and wrong graphics, we now have them making a complete mess of the scores. Commentary.. I like Kelvin and the circumstance of him becoming lead commentator was obviously very sad but he's hopeless at that role. He must have been doing this job for over 20 years now and still spends half the time going "umm, er". He must know the rules but seems to forget them, consistently has trouble keeping up with the score and getting that wrong. Same old comments like for Chris Holder it's always "great to see him back in British speedway". Mix it up! Mention he's a Poole legend, started his career at the Isle of Wight or something like that. I also thought it was poor and almost disrespectful that he said he knew little of Luke Harrison. He was known to be riding a few hours before, if that's the case then maybe research a little about him? It's your job to do things like that.
    7 points
  31. Sad to hear of the passing of Milan Spinka at 73. Milan was a true speedway gentleman who wore many hats within our great sport. As a rider he excelled in all disciplines of track racing Speedway, Long track, Grass track & Ice speedway winning the World title in the latter. He was also a manager & coach to riders & teams at national & international levels as well as a Referee taking control of FIM events. Born in the Czech town of Pardubice home to the famous Golden Helmet event which he was very proud to have won in 1973 breaking the dominance of Jiri Stancl & Ole Olsen. Mr Spinka will be greatly missed by many of his friends around the globe. Best wishes to all his family & friends at this sad time. Thanks for the good times "Spinky" Ride fast
    7 points
  32. Great to witness a British 1,2 on the podium at Cardiff today , rarer than a white rhino that one. Congrats to Dan Bewley on his victory, chuffed for him following an inconsistent 24 series to date. Cardiff is a great place to hold this and the Principality Stadium a great venue. Need the hotels to stop their exorbitant pricing and help get the crowd levels back to where they were pre covid which will ease pressure on cost cutting measures. Way too much negativity from some on here. No wonder the decline of what could be an even greater sport continues.
    7 points
  33. I think all the comments on here support what the ref said afterwards (and top marks to him for showing his face and describing his thought process) There will be a % of people who see Nicholls at fault and a % who see it as Wright's fault, in the refs opinion that split was 60-40, or even 55-45 towards it being Scottie to blame. So you will get many arguing one way and another, but ultimately it's all irrelevant now, the result is history and Redcar won the Pairs. The downside was the reaction at the presentation, if Scott had a grievance it was with the ref not Charles, who 100% did not not want a collision. It appeared petulant and like a real spoilt brat throwing the toys out of the pram! Being a Bears fan, my view is possibly biased, so I'm not getting into the debate, but without doubt the title went to the correct team based on the running of the final, when you see where Masters was entering those bends, no way was he catching Wright, even if Nicholls had got passed and kept 2nd.
    7 points
  34. For me, that was the deciding factor. Nicholls made a clean pass but because of his steering angle he was scrubbing off speed and therefore suddenly travelling slower than Wright, leaving him nowhere to go.
    7 points
  35. Lots of comments on here last week about the track conditions, lack of rakers, etc. so I assumed my eyes had been playing tricks on me all season. I made sure I paid attention tonight, and sure enough, 4 rakers on each bend, just like I had seen at every previous match this season. The track curator did the same job he always does, and many riders ran the outside line but no crashes. Can we all now accept that the accident last week was as much down to rider error as the track conditions, or are we going to continue to vilify the Sheffield track and it's preparation ? I have no doubt that Sayfutdinov is the best rider in the UK leagues at the moment, but he is not infallible, and I believe there was also something posted to say his footrest snapped off in the back straight incident so I am sure that would also have been a contributory factor. He did exactly what we want to see the top riders do and gave it his all to win the race, but sadly it didn't come off and he ended up hitting the fence, but let's blame the track instead.
    7 points
  36. Some of the comments on social media stating that Leicester paid the referee are honestly crazy. Calling us cheats etc. Listen the ref was absolutely sh#t but to label us as cheats is too far. The ref should be investigated but not for bribary but for being crap at her job. I do feel for ipswich fans but don't take it out on us as a club. We could not do anything about the ref, I agree Leicester got lucky but at the end of the day Ipswich had riders that couldn't stay on bike. Also how important does that heat 15 at Ipswich look now? Literally tried to put loads of dirt on certain gates and got caught out. Ipswich bottled it at home and had an even playing field with the weather yesterday altering the track. So home advantage pretty much went. Anyways on a positive note we're in the final and whatever happens we've had a great season. Ipswich fans can feel unlucky losing Doyle and Emil, if they were fit they would have won the whole lot.
    6 points
  37. Turnbull wanting her TV moment clearly. Quite possibly the worst ref call I’ve ever seen.
    6 points
  38. If you are that old it’s about time you grew up lol
    6 points
  39. What a season! Whatever happens from here on in, it's been up there with 2019! It started a bit shaky with nobody except for Richard Lawson being able to string 2 decent matches together. Personally, I would have gotten rid of either Masters or Becker mid-season, but that's why I'm a keyboard warrior, and Stewart Dickson is a team manager The turning point seemed to come after that appalling display at Ipswich in June Stewart Dickson has proved to be the best thing that has happened for Leicester Speedway and long may that continue. Up the Lions!
    6 points
  40. Well I remember 5 overtakes off the top of my head.Harris on Douglas twice,Kvech on Cook,Kerr on Lawson,Lambert on Masters,Fricke and Kvech on each other.There you go that's more than 5.You obviously choose to see what you want to see to be able have another dig at Lynn wherever possible.
    6 points
  41. King needs to go for next season. Only beat Leon flint once. always fails to deliver when most needed. Completely unaware of the opposition who pass him easily yet goes out of his way to stop a faster team mate passing. hopeless at team riding and never looks for his teammates. been a great servant to Ipswich for many years but the time is right for a new challenge.
    6 points
  42. They're still wearing King's Lynn bibs riding for King's Lynn at King's Lynn you absolute melt.
    6 points
  43. Reality check, if the attendance was indeed 29000 or thereabouts, that's 3 times the capacity of Belle Vue, even with the maximum additional stands. The parking and local facilities are not acceptable. There would be the same issues with accomodation prices as there are in Cardiff, as there are anywhere that's holding a major event. There are always geographical and transport issues for some no matter where you hold it. Finally, at Cardiff, It's guaranteed to take place regardless of the weather thanks to the roof. some people need to give their head a shake and look at the bigger picture instead of this fixation with 'It's got to move to Belle Vue'
    6 points
  44. My two-penneth for what’s it worth. The FIM officials have to go by the rules, so a race-off or fastest time are not in the rule book so cannot be used. What however is in the rule book ? If two riders are level on points and wins, 2nds etc can’t split them then the head - to - head decides- simple !! Then it goes on to say if the tie involves MORE than 2 riders, it is checked to see whether there is a possibility to determine a Proper precedence. It then goes on to use as an example 3 riders A, B and C and how they can be split. It then says that if the above cannot split the riders then GP rankings will be used. My opinion mirrors yours and that the MORE THAN TWO doesn’t mean 3 MAX ( or they would have said so !)and that the head to head between the 4 riders should have been used. We know Lambert and Janowski won 2 and lost 1, so they should have been through and with Bewley and Vaculik winning 1 then the head to head between the two should have seen Bewley through.
    6 points
  45. He has a good Team behind him,he is laid back character and enjoying the sport which is a great attitude to have.Good for him ,he does not think he is Prima Donna like some of the others around him think they are.
    6 points
  46. Decent GP, and great to see a British 1-2. Th crowd looked a similar level to the last couple of years, so this looks like the new normal now. It can't help having tracks closing down all the time. A lot of fans from the likes of Swindon, Wolves, Peterborough and so on are probably lost over time. Swindon, for example, used to put on a coach. Cardiff is still the best place to hold it though. I think most people can see that. It's only the Belle Vue Freedom Fighters that seem to be resisting this. Belle Vue is obviously a better track, but it's outdoors and the crowd for the SON doesn't exactly encourage change. I don't know if crowds can ever get back up to the previous levels. I saw a comment on the Digital Spy forum recently in a discussion on speedway, where someone said they used to enjoy watching it but have lost touch with what is going on now since it stopped being on Sky. I think that was a bit of a shark jump for the sport when that was lost. I'm sure Dan Bewley could be a World Champion if he can retain a level of consistency. He certainly has the skills!
    6 points
  47. Plaudits for Tom Brennan for all his efforts and scoring 4 points. He did himself proud. well done
    6 points
  48. Steve Worrall is ill otherwise he would have been Bomber's partner. Anders Rowe was signed to replace Steve Worrall; Anders average is lower than Steve's. So Glasgow haven't been strengthened by Anders being signed. Glasgow were not pulling a fast one or taking advantage of ambiguous rules. They replaced a rider rather than going down the route of guests - most fans hate guests. Having replaced the rider why shouldn't he then take his place in a pairs competition representing the side he has signed for? Well done to Anders and Bomber, 3rd place was more than I expected. Also hope that Charles and Scott are both OK after their 'coming together'.
    6 points
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