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LagutaRacingFan last won the day on April 12 2023

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  1. I am just passing on information that I have been given. I don't have any evidence that would stand up in the court of law.
  2. Thanks, I've just read online that you can run R/R for the top 3 in the play-offs. It's the top 2 in the regular season. Lots of conflicting information about the rules! If Wroclaw can run R/R for Janowski, they should get through vs Gorzow. Lublin on the other hand is a write-off.
  3. You're wrong about the Russians. Eurosport have told the FIM that they are not happy with the viewing figures. The lack of title race has led to a sharp decline in viewership across Europe. The FIM reached out to Emil & Artem a few weeks ago and an agreement has been reached.
  4. Polish media are reporting that Janowski has fractured his left wrist. If this is true then the Polish league play-offs have been ruined. Wroclaw are also not allowed to run R/R for Janowski as he is 3rd in the averages behind Bewley and Laguta. Can you confirm @racers and royals? I suspect Wroclaw may have enough to beat Gorzow, but they will get slaughtered in a 2 legged affair vs Lublin. The TV ratings will be dire and sponsors will feel sick. The PZM should do the right thing and allow special dispensation for Wroclaw to book a guest from the 2nd division. Somebody like Brady Kurtz for Maciej Janowski would give Wroclaw a fighting chance.
  5. If I was a BV fan, I would watch the first leg at home (save money). And then use the money saved to travel to Leicester to watch the 2nd leg. The first leg of a grand final isn't very special. In the 2nd leg, you could see your team celebrate the league title.
  6. The TV broadcasters and sponsors have told the FIM to bring back Emil and Artem.
  7. Disappointed to see price rises for the final. There is a cost of living crisis and many pensioners have lost their Winter Fuel Payments.
  8. I don't think he's available but Janowski is the best rider who would fit as a guest for Cook at the NSS.
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