By IanBrannan · Posted
The simple answer, as someone who works in speedway, and in media in general including the BBC, the whole media landscape is incomparable to how it used to be even 5 or 6 years ago. Did the media lose interest or do they have hardly any staff left to write anything? However many people you think work in sports departments in newsrooms for either print or broadcast media, the reality will be a fraction of that, and really (as already happens) it’s down to those within the sport to lay the content on a plate in order to get coverage. Loads and loads of old long time journalists have left, been made redundant, taken retirement, died etc. So the people who used to bang the drum for speedway on the inside are no longer there. British Speedway sends news reports out on a daily basis, and even in the off season whenever something happens it is released directly to the media to hundreds of places. The way newsrooms work, you have certain sports guaranteed to take 90% of the coverage (mainly football etc), all other sports from Speedway to every sport in the Olympics and beyond are battling for that remaining 10%, and for the most part I’d include domestic rugby and county cricket in that. We also need personalities with a story. You mention Kenny Carter and Wiggy always being on the TV, they would not have been on the TV regardless of how good they were as riders if they were dullards. They were on because they were good value & entertaining. Results are at best going to get a passing mention, I would say the pre hype or some kind of human interest story would more likely get decent coverage, but to do that we need the personalities first. Chicken and egg I know, but that’s the situation. So I’d say it’s a mix of everything, but also don’t lose sight that a lot does happen, you may not see it yourself but it is there. We have regular stories in national newspapers such as The Sun & The Star & Mirror via Peter Oakes & Phil Lanning, we have many local BBC sport shows running speedway features and even live commentaries, we’ve had big coverage of the GB Youth training camp on the north east ITV News recently even in the closed season as such, coverage on ITV on the south coast of Kent I think too. We don’t quite have the resources of other sports at the moment but, people are trying to gain maximum coverage with the resources and contacts we have, and what we have now is undoubtedly better than what we’ve had in recent years. A way to go but we’ll get there. -
So according to your philosophy when this existing generation pops their clogs, speedway is done? Whether it be magazines, internet, book or stone etchings on tablets everyone needs to wake up and embrace the new technology and push our great sport forward and stop digging the grave deeper. It can be done and the sport re invented, just some bright spark to have the right idea and do it instead of continually living in the past. For me snooker is just as dire and boring as it has always been, but it gets worldwide coverage and enormous sponsorship. Darts is more about the personal experience at tournaments and a happy bunch of pi22heads attending and look at the media coverage. Speedway is far more exciting but it needs a guru to drag it into this year and help them exploit the potential it has.
All the money is for the public record so no need to fear your money will be accountable. "edmon" is right, take any grievances up with Mr Ribbons direct, what you are doing is falsely causing concern for others. The other option is put you hand in your own pocket and launch it yourselves. I await your offers. Still waiting !!
Unfortunately double booked, got a gig to attend, but will make all/most other ones, hotels booked for southern tour, poole,Ipswich and scunny in August 😄
Love that idea! 😅 My contribution is the Olive Tree at Little Snoring and the George and Dragon at Newton 👍