Merry March! Speedway month has finally arrived. Still just over three weeks until this one, too early for a thread? Meh, who cares it’s been a long Winter! First competitive fixture of the new season and it couldn’t have started with a better fixture IMO. Will Witches make a better fist of things here than we have in recent years? It has to happen sooner or later, the team is too good not to. A lot will depend on Doyle and how he starts the season. Thankfully, he has two or three warm up meetings before this so that should help. Within 10 and its job done, will fancy us to finish the job at Foxhall if we can manage that.
By dontforgetthefueltapsbruv · Posted
It needs to be capable of receiving a signal - without an aerial it's effectively just a monitor Knowing Baldy I reckon his is one of those about 3 feet deep and weighing in the region of 300 lbs -
If you have a T.V then you need a license- even if you don’t use the device. Be careful, they’ll be after you!
You've done well to post this without Internet! 😂