That is simply not the case. Belle Vue and Poole home meeting would have a minimum of 4 times the viewers of Eastbourne or Lakeside. The price of a 30 second ad during the latters meeting was scarey. One of the cheapest spaces on the channel.
Why isnt Quest good enough? It has higher daily time per viewer of 1.29 minutes to ITV4's 1.22 and reaches 0.94% of daily viewers as compaired to 0.87% on ITV4 according to BARB which is the advertsing and broadcast industries standard for understanding what people watch.
Finally looking at the bigger picture and a realistic time to encourage families to come and enjoy speedway. This also gives the team to have all riders available from other commitments with Championship sides. Well done to all and hope attendances reflect the optimism.
reading the fixtures today apart from good friday colts will be riding home matches sunday's 1pm start !!
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