Unfortunately life doesn't work like that! If you love doing something yet are constantly hounded and abused by the people watching it then it's hard to keep at it! If you've never been a rider or involved with them then you wouldn't understand the stress and pressure they feel. On track with 3 other riders going 60mph with no brakes needs full concentration and commitment! Best thing to do is step away and live life for yourself and get back to the person you were before everyone thought they had a right to abuse you. He can still sit on a bike and do laps that he'll enjoy with no one there to criticise him!
By Marky_Mark · Posted
…..He sold Torquay a few months back now and wrote off all of the loans/millions of losses he made. -
By Diamonds85 · Posted
Unless if it was the pressure and stress of racing that were getting to him. Hope he has a good future whatever he does. -
With respect I think it’s a little naive to believe that Tr a man with 40 years of experience with the likes of Osborne, has been conned by anyone especially him.He is merely fulfilling the terms of his exit deal with Osborne as a spokesperson for Swindon Motorsports to ensure that his ultimate aim is achieved.
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