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    • It is either the track, the weather, the wind was blowing in the wrong direction, we chose the wrong guest, our porridge for breakfast was the wrong flavour ... the excuses coming out of Birmingham are becoming more embarrassing by the week. How about the promotion picked a pretty ordinary team ... and then hyped them up as play-off contenders (not for the first time) when everyone and their dog could see that wasn't the case. That's not to say they should criticise the team ... but how about a modicum of realism now and then?
    • RIP Edwin  The voice of speedway for me at Peterborough and Kings Lynn from my first meeting in 76 for over 45 years. The best announcer in the game.
    • I find it very hard to make any negative comment about Nigel Tolley as a man and benefactor of the Club I've got no inside knowledge of how much money he has put in, but adding the dots, it would not be a surprise if it was north of £400k. So to those who moan and whinge I'd ask, would you put £400k in ??, if you had it. Now there are the analogies of "only fools parting with money" and the usual suspects will attack him for that, but without him the Club would have died when David and Peter Mason left, and why did they leave, hey ho....losing too much money. Other Clubs have similarly suffered and other people have lost money trying to save Speedway Clubs. If there is one criticism of Nigel it is that he is not great at PR and hasn't got the right people around him. That's partially valid in terms of his PR skills in my opinion but in terms of having "the right people around him" , whilst he hasn't chosen well, or inherited well, the biggest problem lies with the BSPL who insist that (the ever dwindling list) of failures and hangers on, aka "Promoters" who have and continue to make a living out of Speedway, have to be maintained as the are "experienced admistrators".  I know everyone will again scapegoat Laurence, I won't ever attack his hard work and dedication to the cause and again, without him and the fact that he sought out and found Nigel when the Club was literally bordering on extinction, but i'm sure he and Nigel will be looking back and considering what went wrong. The Site Owners decision to leave the Club with only a "Monday option" can't also be forgotten, that forced the hand to go up to the PL, that creates massive extra cost and despite some TV money it was never going to bridge the gap. Trying to pay more out than comes in is atypical of the vast majority of UK Speedway Clubs and how many are actually self sufficient, Poole / Ipswich / Sheffield at a push......others are reliant on individuals like Glasgow and Oxford, others may be on Sponsorship like Leicester, but the whole model is utterly BROKEN. Shocking too the hear Mark Lemons comments about Belle Vue and the future of the NSS being reliant on bigger Crowds for Major Events. Is there a Plan B- is there a realistic option. May be look at IOW and Barry Bishop, he's created and found a niche that works for him, full credit to him, but would that model work at PL + CL clubs who have to pay massive rental costs?.  Look at last weekend as the perfect example of the malaise in relation to the past. NOT ONE Saturday Fixture / Sunday Fixture other than NDL as the one scheduled Fixture was cancelled because a rider went on holiday and very few others can make weekends pay, as all the best riders that draw the crowds are filling their pockets in Europe. I sadly cannot see a sustainable future for Birmingham Speedway if the only option is Monday night in the PL. Too many counter attractions in terms of Sport and Entertainment, millions still seeing mortgages and rents rising ;  and in reality, how can you budget to break even on a hard core of 500 people ??...  I thank Nigel and Laurence for their efforts and hard work, I thank Sam for his days as a rider, he certainly ain't a team manager but more than anything for those, especially the likes of Brian Buck, Joe McLaughlin etc who have put their lives and souls in to trying to save the Club and to reenergise it not that long ago, I feel desperately sad that we seem to have arrived at the end of a cul-de-sac that on this occasion, there is no way out of.          
    • So just out of interest you get rid of Rodgers and Sam, would you keep Chris Adams as Team Manager? Or do you have a complete break and bring in someone else? 
      They will survive the season the towel won’t be thrown in now.  
    • You know as well as I do there is no way on gods green earth that Brennan would “save his best engines for Poole”. That is utterly ridiculous. The difference in pay between the Premiership and Championship is vast. If your best contract is in the Premiership, you’ll want your best equipment in the Premiership. That’s just basic common sense. 
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