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  2. Need improvers certainly not Jack Smith.How many seasons and still under 4 pt av.Sad decline of the sport dictates signing this standard of of rider because of his average.
  3. Will Harris be in better form than yesterday? As for Howarth, he is usually rubbish at BV wrist injury of not.
  4. Seven riders teams... 15 heats... Rising Stars.. Rinse and Repeat.. Plenty of options exist... Not enough riders? Then go six, or even five, rider teams in the top league.. Go for 8 rider squads in the 2nd tier? 3 riders to fit 2 places for development? Add in a fit for purpose RR facility and you have a decent base to start from.. The top tier should be the "seller" for the rest of the sport to live off the back of.. At the moment the sport im the UK really is just an opportunity for riders to earn money and promoters to feel good that they run something where some of the worlds best will rub shoulders with them... The winning of any of the team titles is almost irrelevant given the infrastructure that delivers them.. Getting that sorted should be Phil's No 1 priority as, if he can make the titles have some kudos and maybe some proper financial rewards, then growth could happen...
  5. Starke was signed because he fitted in the averages, personally I thought he'd up his average (I was wrong). I said pre-season of have Vissing before Flint, didn't understand that change. Pearson having such a low away average, makes it understandable they'd drop him. Plus the fact he was a 4 point rider in the top 5, then puts a point on his average once he dropped to reserve. Starting next season on a 5+ average as a second string, can easily see that dropping again! Now Jack Smith would be available at reserve again on a 3.68 average, he could be in the team plans.
  6. Not seem William ride so will not comment on him.But have seen dozens of youngsters at 15/16 who thought were world beaters very few reached the top.Best of luck to William though,he seems to have the backing behind him so hope he goes far.Luck needed in Speedway.
  7. If everything went well then they could've been. Harris riding like the number one he is, Worrall putting half a point on his average, Flint improving like Tom Brennan, Pearson showing his Plymouth form after leaving Birmingham, Complin putting 1+ on his average, this putting Starke to reserve - see his Workington scores, then Pijper at reserve scoring above oppositions 2.00 riders. Now these aims weren't realistic, but they were possible, to expect them all to happen at the same time was unlikely. Imo they certainly overrated thier riders, then the team rode below even most fans realistic expectations.
  8. Fair enough but both you and Rory were still stating that they were on the last lap, which was my point. Anyway, decent meeting, decent presentation as per usual.
  9. Well done Workington on your 1st season back in championship, lovely set up there, you had a team with a few unknowns and coped well, to make the play offs was an astounding result and you may have gotten further if you had your full team without injuries. Hopefully you can get back some of the Derwent park fans and continue to do well next season. Believe it or not a lot of Glasgow fans were supporting you to do well, shame that there are 1 or 2 Workington fans dislike us, but for the most part you are a friendly lot. You have Steve Lawson who is very well thought off at Glasgow, you also have my fave rider Craig Cook and Claus is also loved by Glasgow fans. I look forward to some friendly rivalry next season.
  10. No complaints with that, even if it's not 14, at least a 7 day recovery period.
  11. no one can tell us of the bad vibes if there is non to moan about . plus the fact it is nothing to do with us . lets see what the 2025 season comes up with and let the people in charge sort things out and not the nosey parkers . we are not the ones in control of workington speedway .
  12. “Thank you to all our riders, guests, sponsors and fans for a fantastic year and we will have another crack at it next season.” - James Denham
  13. There isn’t enough money in speedway for Britain. What they need is a team like in Poland where it’s your team! Not guests every other week where people feel like it’s not their team anymore. And you can’t do this because there isn’t enough money in the sport. Loyalty goes out the window, it’s every man for himself and as many guests bookings to fund the off season for the riders, and I totally get that as riders are self employed. If they upped the average for team building so you could have 3 big hitters then it would be more interesting. Don’t do what Poland do and scrap it altogether or you’ll get a Lublin effect where they basically buy the league. i believe they should introduce relegation as well so the league has some jeopardy for the teams that don’t make the play offs, and the championship teams then have ambitions. Again, probably not enough money in the sport to do it! shame the local councils don’t input some money into social activity which brings communities together instead of trying to make money buy selling off land to property developers. This country is down the toilet and how speedway is treated is just another example.
  14. Yet another thread taken over by Poole/ non Poole people bickering among themselves 🤥
  15. At the time of posting i cannot see the final 1st leg tomorrow on the Premier Sport schedule- not sure why not ?
  16. If you think William Cairns is that good, imagine how amazing Maksymilian Pawelczak is going to be!
  17. Today
  18. The decline set in well before those two.. What the sport has needed for a long, long, time is to be ran like any other team sport, (with integrity and credibility), yet each different leader and leadership team have steadfastly avoided doing it... The reason in my opinion being that change will impact individuals, so, it is better for all individuals to be happy with what takes place, rather than have some pain during the fundamental and radical change required.. Phil Morris may have all the answers and a terrific plan, however.. If it impacts anyone, even slightly negatively, he won't get to use it... There should be two leagues.. One "super" league with a rider distribution of the best talent that provides genuine relative equality. With the 8 teams with the best crowds running in it... And another league for the rest that has the same equality plan, but runs with rider development as being a large part of that team structure...
  19. On the topic of these karger ignition box, you can alter the strength of the spark as well as the timing but are they any good ? Well zmarzlik doesn’t use them and you know he has tried them
  20. no offence to Perry but not really comparable.
  21. 31/08/24. We need to call the play off’s as otherwise clubs won’t have enough time for promotion and publicity plus Discovery’s needs the notice to organise OB. Can’t you wait a couple of days to see how the lions get on at Kings Lynn? No, it’s not enough time. Two weeks later. 13/09/24 Guess we need to crack on organising Leicester’s 1st leg on the 23rd. Should I let Discovery know where they’re going? No, we’ll sort it all on the 20th. A long weekend is all discovery needs to sort OB and the clubs involved can stick something on their website.
  22. These riders who withdrew with injuries before the meeting. Should be given a 14 day” recovery period “to allow them to heal.Disrespectful to loyal fans who pay their wages for the rest of the season.
  23. Agreed, unfortunately this particular poster seems to enjoy name calling and generally being objectionable to other posters, sometimes getting the desired reaction from his point of view.
  24. I’ll believe it when it happens on this one.
  25. Which is to debate, sensibly, the subject of which the title decrees, not be a slanging match between individuals who name-call and, also, do not add one jot to the conversation (check the "Rules of the Forum").
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