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Even more pertinent to the present situation was Milton Keynes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_Keynes_Greyhound_Stadium


and the Following article shows how GI perform


In 1999 the BS Group purchased the Milton Keynes Bowl (an entertainment venue) to add to their assets and soon after plans were unveiled for a new state of the art greyhound track around the Milton Keynes Bowl. The plan had council backing and would include a cinema, hotel and revamp of the entertainment venue. The news ended speculation about the BS Group selling off their greyhound tracks after the Bristol sale. Chief executive Clarke Osborne commented: "There is no substance in the rumours whatsoever” he added: "You only have to look at what the group has done during the past couple of years or so and what it has planned for the future. The industry knows that BS Group is constantly looking for new sites for tracks." Osborne also confirmed that they were still looking at sites in Bristol for a new track and when the company purchased Reading from Allied Presentations in 2002 they were challenging GRA as the leading greyhound operator. Meanwhile Bill Johnson became Racing Manager in 2001. Bristol never materialised and in 2005 the new Milton Keynes track was never started but the old site was closed regardless of no new site being ready. The last meeting took place on Boxing Day 2005, Reading would follow suit a couple of years later.



Dont believe everything GI say, the situation at Swindon can best be described as worrying.

Appreciate your concern but very few people round here ever believed in this doomed project. Swindon Speedway R.I.P.

Edited by JOS50

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The planning dept at the council have been questioned and they seem to be as frustrated as are the fans.

Justin Tomlinson the MP and T Russell would be the ones to email with questions

Yes get writing to your MP, show the need for speedway in Swindon ..... don't let him let it lie ......

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Yes get writing to your MP, show the need for speedway in Swindon ..... don't let him let it lie ......

He is already more aware of the situation than most of us and has vowed to fight, so presumably he's fighting as we speak.

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They will do everything possible to wriggle out of building any new stadium.


Noticed fires at Blunsdon vintage railway station and near the stadium.


We Reading fans do care and are not pointing fingers at Russell or Rossiter but at Gaming International/Stadia UK/Clark Osborne

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They will do everything possible to wriggle out of building any new stadium.


Noticed fires at Blunsdon vintage railway station and near the stadium.


We Reading fans do care and are not pointing fingers at Russell or Rossiter but at Gaming International/Stadia UK/Clark Osborne

As I have often mentioned on this particular thread Clark Osborne was involved with the selling of Cowley Stadium back in 1976 but the stadium was saved by the very active supporters committee of which Bernard Crapper was part of.

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He is already more aware of the situation than most of us and has vowed to fight, so presumably he's fighting as we speak.

He could do with all the amo from the fans as well no doubt??? Keep him enthusiastic for the cause .....

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The only thing that has surprised me is the Swindon fans thinking a new stadium would be built.

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The only thing that has surprised me is the Swindon fans thinking a new stadium would be built.

Some of them

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The only thing that has surprised me is the Swindon fans thinking a new stadium would be built.

That would be the minority as we've been fed such bull & farewell meetings & nothing has been done😡

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You need to keep badgering the people that need badgering, the minute you stop because you think it's in the bag, and bang! the dozers are in and its the end.... Don't give em any excuse, keep at em, keep at em, and to be on the safe side, keep at em. Don't think, well, Sid and Eric are on top of it, or Geoff and Doreen, are at em, everyone, keep at em!!

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You need to keep badgering the people that need badgering, the minute you stop because you think it's in the bag, and bang! the dozers are in and its the end.... Don't give em any excuse, keep at em, keep at em, and to be on the safe side, keep at em. Don't think, well, Sid and Eric are on top of it, or Geoff and Doreen, are at em, everyone, keep at em!!

And in order of importance they are:


1) the Swindon councillors - they are the ones who will make the decisions

2) the council planning officers - who will make recommendations to the councillors

3) Gaming International - after all they are the ones who should be building it

4) MPs, particularly Justin Tomlinson who does seem engaged with the issue.

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And in order of importance they are:


1) the Swindon councillors - they are the ones who will make the decisions

2) the council planning officers - who will make recommendations to the councillors

3) Gaming International - after all they are the ones who should be building it

4) MPs, particularly Justin Tomlinson who does seem engaged with the issue.


So there you have a list of people that are allegedly on your side.. (Swindon Speedways New track) Get their email addresses, postal addresses, and keep badgering them, don't allow them for one iota to think you no longer care....

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Outline planning permission has been submitted and accepted, but detailed planning permission is held up due to two issues that need to be resolved. One is a drainage issue and the second is a noise abatement method, the answers to these need to be submitted to the council before agreement to build can start. As has been mentioned earlier the likely timescale is that these issues that should have been sorted ages ago could now go before a planning meeting in early 2016.

Or maybe later 2016, well I can dream can't I ? The issues seem to have grown in the meantime.

And in order of importance they are:


1) the Swindon councillors - they are the ones who will make the decisions

2) the council planning officers - who will make recommendations to the councillors

3) Gaming International - after all they are the ones who should be building it

4) MPs, particularly Justin Tomlinson who does seem engaged with the issue.

As they say in Cornwall......youm arse about face mate, it's not the council's job to badger themselves, as far as I can tell they've been waiting almost 12 weeks for a reply from the site agent, if G.I. want a new stadium, they can have one......when they finalise planning.(p.s. I admire your work and don't mean to be rude but this has been going on for almost 9 years!!)

Edited by JOS50

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The only thing that has surprised me is the Swindon fans thinking a new stadium would be built.

Not sure why it's a surprise ..you got a % of the people who just take in what they told in press statements .....I would say with the Swindon fans it was always a 50 -50 divide

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Or maybe later 2016, well I can dream can't I ? The issues seem to have grown in the meantime.


As they say in Cornwall......youm arse about face mate, it's not the council's job to badger themselves, as far as I can tell they've been waiting almost 12 weeks for a reply from the site agent, if G.I. want a new stadium, they can have one......when they finalise planning.(p.s. I admire your work and don't mean to be rude but this has been going on for almost 9 years!!)

I reiterate my previous posting; the twelve week wait is a red herring (virtually no applications of this size go through in less than 3 months).


The single most important point in the process will come when GI go back to bthe planners asking the council to lift the condition that restricts their ability to sell the houses they have already built next to the track, followed by an application to demolish the existing stadium and build more houses. GI are playing the long game - they know from experience councils will eventually blink and remove the barriers to residential development (e.g. Long Eaton) - what they have to be given is a really strong message from the council that such a retreat will not be countenanced.


PS I have nothing to do with Swindon and don't live in the area - my input is based on my extensive involvement in the planning process over 25 years.

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